
potluck是什么意思 potluck在线翻译 potluck什么意思 potluck的意思 potluck的翻译 potluck的解释 potluck的发音 potluck的同义词 potluck的反义词

potluck [pɒtˈlʌk]  [pɑ:tˈlʌk] 

potluck 基本解释

名词家常便饭; 运气

potluck 相关例句


1. potluck

1. Come into the house and take potluck with me.

potluck 网络解释

1. 家常便饭:potential 潜在的、可能的;潜能、潜力 | potluck 家常便饭 | practitioner 从业者、开业者

2. 聚餐,每个客人都自带食物然后大家分而食之的一顿饭:8. sulk:生闷气 | 9. potluck:聚餐,每个客人都自带食物然后大家分而食之的一顿饭 | 10. board game 棋牌游戏,跳棋或飞行棋那样的游戏

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 聚餐(各家带一道菜的聚餐方式):10. play dirty用诈术 | 11. potluck聚餐(各家带一道菜的聚餐方式) | 12. play games捣鬼

4. 便饭/聚餐:Pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步 | Potluck 便饭/聚餐 | *Pound of flesh 勒逼偿还的全部债务(合法但极不合理的要求)

potluck 双语例句

1. potluck的翻译

1. Although the term potluck suggests a random assortment of dishes, it s likely to turn out better when the host does some kind organization by discussing with and assigning your guests a specific course or beverage to bring along.
    尽管 potluck 一词含有随意携带食物之意,倘若主人与客人商议并分配下各自应带食品或饮料,效果可能会好得多,不然就有可能出现客人都只带餐后甜点的情况

2. It is a community custom to have a potluck supper on the last weekend of each month.

3. Woman A potluck supper? What's that?

4. potluck的翻译

4. Last week I went out for dinner with afriend and this Sunday I'm taking potluck at a supper party.

5. Last week I went out for dinner with a friend and this Sunday I'm taking potluck at a supper party.

6. Man Well, Saturday we went to a potluck supper.

7. Having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck; a potluck supper.

8. potluck的解释

8. That is a potluck supper.

9. January 3rd, we packed Alice Tsui's lovely house for a wonderful potluck and a photo critique session.

10. Today after church service, we will celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of David and Maggie Pang in the Social Hall. This celebration dinner will be in place of our regular potluck. All members and friends are invited to the celebration in the Social Hall.

11. At this sad moment, we recall the life of Xiaodong more than just his dedication to community services, but also the laughters, chats, his serving BBQ in all-member picnic, and his famous spicy dish Sichuan Water Boiled Beef that he always brought to potluck dinners before our board meetings.

12. Last week I went to a greasy spoon with a friend and this Sunday I've got to go to a potluck.

13. Last week I went to a greasy spoon with a friend this Sunday I`ve got to go a potluck.

14. One commonly suggested thing is to make the meal potluck.

15. potluck在线翻译

15. The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.

16. In promoting integration of diverse cultures, the school often holds various activities such as a potluck dinner party.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. I would like to have a turtleneck just like the one Nancy was wearing at the potluck party last night.

18. Let`s host a Potluck Party this weekend to celebrate Linda`s birthday, shall we?

19. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

19. Oh, sally, we're having a potluck party at my house this weekend. Will you come and join us?

20. potluck的反义词

20. A:I want to join your potluck dinner.

potluck 单语例句

1. Some are holding potluck dinners instead of springing for the entire feast.

2. Children from the community and volunteers gave a performance at the party, which added a festive atmosphere to the potluck.

3. Senior citizens and families from the community got together and shared their specialties at the potluck.

4. A special potluck was held this week to celebrate the festival in Qinan community of Xicheng District in Beijing.

5. " We have a volleyball team and organize potluck dinners from time to time, " she says.


potluck 英英释义


1. whatever happens to be available especially when offered to an unexpected guest or when brought by guests and shared by all

    e.g. having arrived unannounced we had to take potluck
           a potluck supper

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