
predicament是什么意思 predicament在线翻译 predicament什么意思 predicament的意思 predicament的翻译 predicament的解释 predicament的发音

predicament [prɪˈdɪkəmənt]  [prɪˈdɪkəmənt] 


predicament 基本解释

名词困境,窘况; [逻]范畴

predicament 相关例句


1. She was in a predicament when she missed the last train home.

predicament 网络解释

1. 困境:在这个方面,人人们可能会争辩说一开始伤害方并没有因为自己的困境(predicament)而故意要得到补偿的企图. 尽管如此,有些个人提起上诉的愿意(readiness )、可观的判决赔偿金(jury awards)和诉讼未能对那些看来似乎显然有危险的行为负责,

2. 困境;尴尬的处境;危境:motif主题,要点,特色 | predicament困境;尴尬的处境;危境 | pseudonym笔名,假名

3. 穷境:predicably 可断定地 | predicament 穷境 | predicament 困局

4. 境遇:The decision was made by my predecessor. 那一决定是我的前任作出的. | Predicament 境遇 | Prudence 审慎

predicament 词典解释

1. 困境;艰难的处境;尴尬的境地
    If you are in a predicament, you are in an unpleasant situation that is difficult to get out of.

    e.g. Hank explained our predicament...
    e.g. The decision will leave her in a peculiar predicament.

predicament 单语例句

1. It was part of a casual conversation between two patients and one that spoke of the predicament of many ordinary folk in the country.

2. So let's remind ourselves how compelling the logic of the financial innovation that led us to our current predicament seemed not too long ago.

3. Feeding babies with cow's milk is definitely unsustainable, and this is the root cause of our current predicament.

4. If Japan can take this step, it will find a way out of its current predicament.

5. Folk art is deserted coupled with the gradual disappearance of folk artists, all these have put the folk art in predicament.

6. Japan's illegal detention of a Chinese ship captain is becoming a major predicament in bilateral relations between Beijing and Tokyo.

7. That predicament became the subject of discussion again this past weekend when a funeral house invited volunteers to find resting places for 101 urns.

8. Many local merchants capitalized on the stranded drivers'predicament by offering food and drink at inflated prices.

9. The model alleviates the environmental predicament faced by the traditional economic model but ignores the possible resource shortage that modern industry may face.

10. Frankly speaking, neither teachers nor school authorities should be blamed for such a predicament.

predicament 英英释义


1. a situation from which extrication is difficult especially an unpleasant or trying one

    e.g. finds himself in a most awkward predicament
           the woeful plight of homeless people

    Synonym: quandaryplight

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