
prism是什么意思 prism在线翻译 prism什么意思 prism的意思 prism的翻译 prism的解释 prism的发音 prism的同义词 prism的反义词 prism的例句

prism 基本解释

名词棱镜,棱晶; [数]棱柱体,角柱(体),[物](结晶)柱; [物]分光光谱,光谱的七色,折光物体

prism 网络解释

1. 棱柱:常见的几何体 棱柱(prism) 本册书只讨论直棱柱,简称棱柱 返回 球体(sphere) 棱柱体 圆柱体 柱体(cylinder)锥 体(cone) 柱体 锥体 圆柱 棱柱 圆锥 棱锥圆柱 长方体 正方体 球体 圆锥 我们已经认识的立体图形有: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 南肖埠幼儿园 小组讨论: 你们能将这五个基本的立体图形按某些特征分类吗?

2. 三棱镜:三棱镜(Prism)是一个超轻量的开源框架,前身是Angel,现在改名为Prism,其目标是实现WEB系统的页面与代码分离,并且不需要书写大量的配置文件. 之所以起名称为三棱镜,是因为本框架会像三棱镜一样不但可以处理页面请求,

3. 角柱:若CAD外形太复杂,则可采用四面体/三角柱(prism)元素混用,以ANSYS ICEM CFD Prism在物体表面附近产生三角柱元素,形成表面附近的三角柱元素层(near-surface prism layers),以提高收敛性与精度.

4. prism:parallel reduced instruction set multiprocessor; 平行精简指令集多处理器

5. prism:program reliability information system for management; 管理程序可靠性信息系统

6. prism的翻译

6. prism:portable, reusable, integrated software modules; 可移植、可重用的集成软件模块

prism 词典解释

1. 棱镜
    A prism is a block of clear glass or plastic which separates the light passing through it into different colours.


2. 曲解;扭曲
    If you see something through a prism of something such as time or memory, your idea of it is affected by that thing.

    e.g. Through the smoky prism of time, I could just barely make out my father as a young man.

prism 单语例句


1. The Chinese man is a pragmatic administrator who has learned to view what is right or wrong through the prism of expediency.

2. I agree but I do understand that each media will cover the same war thru the biased prism of their own experiences.

3. Those who view their research always with the prism of expediency will hardly get anywhere.

4. The Chinese are often thought of as a pragmatic people who tend to look at everything through the prism of expediency.

5. Those who view scientific research with the prism of expediency will never get anywhere.

6. " The EU views China still largely through the trade prism, " said a EU official involved in foreign policy.

7. Whatever choice the Obamas make, it is sure to be analyzed through the prism of Obama's relationship with the Rev.

8. Bush regularly slammed his Democratic presidential opponent John Kerry as soft on terror - using the Sept 11 attacks as a prism.

9. A simple prism through which this can be viewed is to contrast the " Washington Consensus " with the " Beijing Consensus ".

prism 英英释义



1. optical device having a triangular shape and made of glass or quartz
    used to deviate a beam or invert an image

    Synonym: optical prism

2. a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms

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