
profiling是什么意思 profiling在线翻译 profiling什么意思 profiling的意思 profiling的翻译 profiling的解释 profiling的发音 profiling的同义词

profiling [ˈprəʊfaɪlɪŋ]  [ˈproʊfaɪlɪŋ] 


profiling 基本解释


动词扼要介绍( profile的现在分词 ); 给…画侧面图; 描…的轮廓; 用数字图表(或量变曲线)表示

profiling 网络解释

1. profiling

1. 程序概要分析:它作为一个本地Java代理或一个远程JMX客户端分析运行线程的堆栈轨迹(stacktrace),无需与管理程序一同运行,以二进制文件形式转存信息,并且允许防火墙后的(behind-firewall)程序概要分析(profiling)和后期分析(lat

2. 设置文件:SMIL 2.1 模块化促进设置文件 (Profiling)、重覆采用 (Reuse) 和实现 (Implementation)蚂蚁群最佳化演算法为一多代理人(multi-agent)系统. 欲应用蚂蚁群最佳化演算法於不同问题的求解,主要须定义或修改下列数点要项:在蚂蚁群最佳化演算法中,

3. 仿形:不同实验技术矩阵现在是可用的并且是实用的 (例如, 样本处理, 预分馏(prefractionation), 分离, 物质分析 某些它们共同使用的某些蛋白质-仿形(profiling)技术见在图13.1.3的实验流程图.

4. 压型:Valgrind工具主要用于C和C++写的程序,因为用这些语言写的程序倾向于有更多的bug!但是它也能用于调试和压型(profiling)混合语言写的程序. Valgrind已经被部分地或者完全的用于C

profiling 单语例句

1. " DNA profiling is an excellent technique that is improving by leaps and bounds, " he said.

2. Every citizen now enjoys public health services worth 25 yuan a year that may include health profiling and chronic disease intervention.

3. They're waiting for better guidance from everybody in government over this whole issue of profiling and the issue of privacy.

4. Researchers used a serial killer profiling method to figure out just how the fearsome ocean predator hunts.

5. The policeman and the professor both expressed respect for each other after their dispute that unleashed a furor over racial profiling in America.

6. Opponents charge the law is unconstitutional and will lead to racial profiling of Hispanics, who make up about a third of Arizona's population.

7. Other speakers spoke against racial profiling, the death penalty and the Iraq war.

8. The positive side of profiling such a recent president is that many people within the administration are still alive.

9. The Masters was an annual stop for Wind, who traveled the world profiling the legendary players and moments in the sport.

10. A UK newspaper released a list Sunday, profiling 100 people who make the UK a better and happier place to live.

profiling 英英释义


1. recording a person's behavior and analyzing psychological characteristics in order to predict or assess their ability in a certain sphere or to identify a particular group of people

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