
protocols是什么意思 protocols在线翻译 protocols什么意思 protocols的意思 protocols的翻译 protocols的解释 protocols的发音 protocols的同义词

protocols [p'rəʊtəkɒlz]  [p'roʊtəkɒlz] 


protocols 基本解释

礼仪( protocol的名词复数 );草案;协议;科学实验报告;

protocols 网络解释

1. 协议:5.网络操作系统(NOS)和协议(Protocols) 计算机局域网像一台独立计算机一样必须有操作系统来对整个网络的资源和运行进行管理,如应有Unix、Novell或Windows NT等.

2. 网络协议:网络安装选项(Network Setup Options)用来指定网络适配器的安装(adapters)、网络协议(protocols)、服务选项(services)、调制解调器(modem)的设置以及指定GUI安装部分是手工的还是自动的;

3. 议定书:经过<<单一文件>>(1986年)、<<马斯特里赫特条约>>(1992年)、<<阿姆斯特丹条约>>(1996年)、<<尼斯条约>>(1999年)的多次补充和修改后形成的最新法律文本, 现行的合并文本(consolidated version of the TEC)共314条款及附属议定书(protocols)按照条约的规定,欧洲法院的正式判

4. 协定:本课程旨在介绍无线网路基本架构(Architecture)及协定(Protocols),使学生对於无线通讯网路各元件以及如何将它们连接起来运作有一基本概念,并使学生了解在此架构下无线网路常用的技术,法则及应用.

protocols 单语例句


1. He also felt appreciated that China has signed protocols on debt relief and cancellation with 31 African countries under the framework of the HIPC initiative.

2. Another challenge is the technical protocols that allow for fast border crossings, which are needed for a truly integrated system.

3. Seoul had long sought to retrieve the books, which dictate the protocols of royal ceremonies and rituals with colorful illustrations.

4. The guidelines were jointly drawn up by the Environmental Protection Department and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department based on international protocols.

5. Albania and Croatia will be eligible to join NATO when all 26 allies have ratified the accession protocols.

6. All international protocols henceforth made clear that Taiwan was the territory of China and that it should be returned to China.

7. The guideline also highlighted security protocols for private players involved in related industries and pledged to boost supervision in order to safeguard national security.

8. Caplan said hospitals may have protocols for dealing with such requests, but there are few laws or regulations regarding the practice.

9. Doctors will tell you that dehydration can often be initially handled on the scene, but many ambulance protocols call for sufferers to be transported automatically to the hospital.

10. The legislature also passed unanimously the State Council's motion of joining the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation In Southeast Asia and its two amending protocols.

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