
prudence是什么意思 prudence在线翻译 prudence什么意思 prudence的意思 prudence的翻译 prudence的解释 prudence的发音 prudence的同义词

prudence ['pru:dns]  [ˈpru:dəns] 

prudence 基本解释

名词谨慎; 精明; 节俭

prudence 反义词

prudence 相关例句


1. Taylor has too much prudence to gamble.

2. He acted with prudence.

prudence 网络解释

1. 普鲁登斯:默多克与其元配妻子所生女儿普鲁登斯(Prudence)也是该安排的受益人之一. 据<<纽约时报>>(NewYorkTimes)和<<华尔街日报>>(WallStreetJournal)报道,默多克希望让其与第三任妻子邓文迪(WendiDeng)所生的两个女儿也成为该信托的受益人,

2. prudence的翻译

2. 谨慎性原则:具体地说,谨慎性原则(Prudence)亦称审慎原则、稳健性原则、稳健主义、保守主义等,在会计环境中存在不确定因素和风险、会计要素的确认和计量的精确性受到影响的情况下,应运用谨慎的职业判断和稳妥的会计方法进行会计处理.

3. 劉美君:刘美君(Prudence)前晚举行迷你音乐会「蝙蝠之夜音乐会」,她不但唱了二十多首歌,更换了多套靓衫,绝不欺场. 而原定现身的神秘嘉宾,最终也没现身,她谓既是神秘,大家就永远不知道是谁,不过仍有Mr.及麦嘉瑜为她担任嘉宾.

prudence 词典解释

1. 谨慎;慎重;精明
    Prudence is care and good sense that someone shows when making a decision or taking action.

    e.g. Western businessmen are showing remarkable prudence in investing in the region...
    e.g. A lack of prudence may lead to financial problems.

prudence 单语例句

1. Fiscal prudence must remain the guiding principle in whatever action the government may take to narrow the wealth gap.

2. We hope Chief Justice Xiao Yang's promise of maximum prudence in applying capital punishment is honored throughout that process.

3. Oldest child Prudence is Murdoch's daughter with his first wife, the late Patricia Booker.

4. Some banks and companies are already showing prudence by adjusting their strategies and placing their business focuses back on traditional products.

5. The former Egyptian diplomat said that China has managed to deal with the global financial crisis with all prudence and wisdom in an admirable manner.

6. To provide a meaningful and convincing guide for the country's future development, we must display prudence in both reckoning the challenges and seeking the solutions.

7. Lucky maybe the Chinese are, it is prudence and diligence of the Chinese aerospace professionals that make the glittery record.

8. Fiscal prudence remains a virtue even when the ongoing global economic crisis entails a public spending spree to revive domestic growth.

9. Fiscal prudence has always been the guiding principle of the Hong Kong government's economic policy.

10. Their prudence was evident at Thursday's press conference, which was called a public forum to answer suspicions aired in past weeks.

prudence 英英释义



1. discretion in practical affairs

2. knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress

    e.g. the servants showed great tact and discretion

    Synonym: discretiondiscreetnesscircumspection

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