
psoriasis是什么意思 psoriasis在线翻译 psoriasis什么意思 psoriasis的意思 psoriasis的翻译 psoriasis的解释 psoriasis的发音 psoriasis的同义词

psoriasis [səˈraɪəsɪs]  [səˈraɪəsɪs] 

psoriasis 基本解释

名词牛皮癣,银屑癣; 松皮癣

psoriasis 网络解释

1. 牛皮癣:B型肝炎 (Hepatitis B)C型肝炎 (Hepatitis C)牛皮癣 (Psoriasis) 及 牛皮癣有关的关节炎 (Psoriatic Arthritis)儿童:选择服用儿童营养素 (Usanimals) 或者是青少年基本营养素 (Body Rox),加上每天1~2颗的心脏保30 和 3~4mg/毎公斤体重比例的葡萄籽精华.

2. 银屑病:题为<<银屑病>>(Psoriasis) 的新 Pharmacor 报告认为,美国、法国、德国、意大利、西班牙、英国和日本的银屑病药品市场总价值将从2007年的23亿美元增长至2017年的50亿美元.

3. 干癣:而在医疗上也有相关报告把芦荟用於治疗放线性皮肤炎、滞流性溃疡(Stasis ulcer)、单纯性疱疹(Herpes simplex)及乾癣(Psoriasis)上. 主要也就是因为在科学上发现,芦荟萃取成分具有抗发炎、抗金黄色葡萄球菌、抗皮癣菌(Dermatophyte)及抗病毒的效果.

psoriasis 词典解释

1. 牛皮癣;银屑病
    Psoriasis is a disease that causes dry red patches on the skin.

psoriasis 单语例句

1. Of the 303 psoriasis patients surveyed, over half claimed sex life and courtship were affected.

2. Psoriasis is caused by a mix of environmental and genetics factors and can appear suddenly or gradually.

3. Psoriasis creates raised areas of skin that are dry and cause an itchy feeling.

4. For psoriasis sufferers, the first step is a good daily skin cleaning and then maintenance work.

5. Though there is no cure, psoriasis can be treated with medications and exposure to light.

6. For many psoriasis sufferers, winter brings not only shorter days and colder temperatures but also worsening symptoms.

7. Initially a skin condition, psoriasis extends to nails and joints of patients when it reaches the serious stage.

8. Emotional stress or damage to the skin can trigger psoriasis, which affects roughly 3 percent of adults.

9. " The best way to combat psoriasis is make your body as healthy as possible, " Bai says.

10. The treatment is believed to heal Psoriasis, a chronic skin disease which affects the joints and skins.

psoriasis 英英释义


1. a chronic skin disease characterized by dry red patches covered with scales
    occurs especially on the scalp and ears and genitalia and the skin over bony prominences

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