
public health是什么意思 public health在线翻译 public health什么意思 public health的意思 public health的翻译 public health的解释 public health的发音

public health [ˈpʌblik helθ]  [ˈpʌblɪk hɛlθ] 

public health 基本解释



public health 网络解释

1. 公共健康:据美国<<公共健康>>(Public Health)杂志刊登的研究报告:从1974年到1997年间,对包括美国在内的九个西方国家的调查结果发现:大脑疾病(包括阿尔茨海默氏症、帕金森氏症和运动神经元紊乱等)的死亡率增长了两倍.

2. 公共卫生学:ion)公共卫生学(Public health)生物极与文化极的结合精神病(mental sickness)生理与生化因素压力引起的心理与社会文化现象饮食(diet)食物的习惯与嗜好与营养水准(level of nutrition)的关系流行病学人类行为影响传播多种疾病的传染病媒介发现灰菜籽与驱虫药的关系医学人类学的根源体质人类学民族医学(ethnic medicine)文化和

public health 单语例句

1. Among them four hotels were fined for operating a business without receiving a public health permit.

2. Several thousand people took part in the event organized by the Beijing Sports Bureau to promote public health.

3. On another liver virus, officials are calling hepatitis C a major public health threat in China.

4. The autonomous region's capacity of dealing with emergent public health incidents and epidemics has been constantly improved.

5. It appears that the case for a better public health system has become even more urgent and persuasive.

6. The Ministry of Health also warned both the public and medical workers to watch out for the signs of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.

7. A huge chemical project in the nation's east has been put on hold in the wake of a public outcry over pollution and health issues.

8. The author is an international public health consultant and author of Environmental Impact on Child Health.

9. Chow said the Hong Kong government would continue to strengthen resources aimed at tobacco control and the reduction of smoking to further protect public health.

10. Every citizen now enjoys public health services worth 25 yuan a year that may include health profiling and chronic disease intervention.

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