
pull off是什么意思 pull off在线翻译 pull off什么意思 pull off的意思 pull off的翻译 pull off的解释 pull off的发音 pull off的同义词

pull off [pul ɔf]  [pʊl ɔf] 

pull off 基本解释

脱去; 胜利完成; 捣鬼

pull off 相关例句


1. He pulled off his overcoat and began to work.

pull off 网络解释

1. pull off的解释

1. 脱:h - 从上一个音符开始锤击(hammer-on)p - 从上一个音符开始钩脱(pull off)b - 推弦使音弯曲(bend note)S - 用右手的拇指击出这个音(如果是左撇子则是左手)(slap)P - 用右手钩出这个音(同上)(pop)t - 用右手轻扣出这个音(同上)(

2. 勾弦:图例下部分为一个标准的吉他六弦谱,从谱面上可以准确读到音符在吉他指板上的位置吉他谱上的特殊标记在吉他六弦谱系统中,会使用到特殊的符号来标记诸如推弦(chok/bend)、滑弦(slide)、击弦(hammer on)、勾弦(pull off)以及泛音(harm

3. 脱(帽等努力实现:pull into 进入;到达 . | pull off 脱(帽等努力实现 . | pull on 穿上;继续拉(或划) .

4. 脱(帽、衣):pull in (车)停下,进站,船(到岸) | pull off脱(帽、衣) | pull on穿,戴

pull off 词典解释

1. 成功完成,做成(困难的事情)
    If you pull off something very difficult, you succeed in achieving it.

    e.g. The National League for Democracy pulled off a landslide victory...
    e.g. It will be a very, very fine piece of mountaineering if they pull it off.

2. (车或驾车者)停靠(路边)
    If a vehicle or driver pulls off the road, the vehicle stops by the side of the road.

    e.g. I pulled off the road at a small village pub...
    e.g. One evening, crossing a small creek, he pulled the car off the road.

pull off 单语例句

1. He also denied reports that China had pressured Cambodia to pull the issue off the agenda of the bloc's summit this week in Phnom Penh.

2. We're going to meet with all the guys and see if we can actually pull this off.

3. Although he doesn't know Marchionne, he said the Italian CEO may have the charisma to pull off a similar feat.

4. NASA hopes to pull that off later this decade, but the project is on Congress'chopping block.

5. When the trailer for that film was shown, audience complaints prompted one New York City cinema to pull the advertisement off its screens.

6. A Chevrolet dealer in Hawaii literally crushed his Asian auto competition - but found the stunt harder to pull off than expected.

7. The park staff had to gradually draw an iron rope to help pull the wheel around so that riders could get off.

8. With stylish flats, you can pull off tights with casual ease.

9. He was able to communicate and reach agreements with opposition lawmakers on many occasions, feats extremely hard to pull off these days.

10. " Andy didn't give me many chances to pull off the really big shots today, " Federer said.

pull off 英英释义


1. pull or pull out sharply

    e.g. pluck the flowers off the bush

    Synonym: plucktweakpick off

2. remove by drawing or pulling

    e.g. She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth
           draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese

    Synonym: draw offdraw away

3. cause to withdraw

    e.g. We pulled this firm off the project because they overcharged

4. be successful
    achieve a goal

    e.g. She succeeded in persuading us all
           I managed to carry the box upstairs
           She pulled it off, even though we never thought her capable of it
           The pianist negociated the difficult runs

    Synonym: negociatebring offcarry offmanage

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