
punctuating是什么意思 punctuating在线翻译 punctuating什么意思 punctuating的意思 punctuating的翻译 punctuating的解释 punctuating的发音



punctuating 基本解释


加标点符号,加标点( punctuate的现在分词 );不时打断某事物;

punctuating 双语例句

1. Before punctuating his night with two beautiful fallaway jumpers in the final 2 minutes, Bryant became the 17th NBA player to score 24, 000 points on a second-quarter basket.
    在最后2分钟的两记漂亮的后仰跳投为比赛划上句号之前,科比在第二节便成为了第17个得分达到24000的 NBA 球员。

2. Before punctuating his night with two beautiful fallaway jumpers in the final 2minutes, Bryant became the 17th NBA player to score 24, 000 points on asecond-quarter basket.

3. punctuating在线翻译

3. Finally, it all came to a halt, with only Leehom`s laboured breathing punctuating the silence.

4. Punctuating the beat of the music.

5. The handy game history lets you remind yourself at any time of the number of documents found, statements taken or events punctuating the story.

6. punctuating

6. When he did not answer her, Ginny sighed and began to brush her hair angrily, the strokes of the brush the only sound punctuating the silence that hung between them.

7. They featured these futuristic designs in a series of eight auto shows called GM Motorama, punctuating the new feeling of prosperity and optimism sweeping through the USA at that time.
    他们精选这些未来设计了一系列的8车展称为通用Motorama ,punctuating新的感觉,繁荣和乐观席卷美国在那个时候。

8. Li, punctuating the air with her hands, her fingernails decorated with pink rose decals.

9. Instead of Zen-influenced truths punctuating the action and characters'decisions as in the first installment, these now impede the narration.

10. punctuating

10. Finally, it all came to a halt, with only Leehom's laboured breathing punctuating the silence.

11. Method of sentence segmentation and punctuating for ancient Chinese literatures based on cascaded CRF The Syntactic Difference of Negative Marks Between Nanchang Dialect and Putonghua

12. Selecting Great Power Apparatus by Measuring Front/biased Secondary punctuating parameters

13. A forthcoming British Council report, English next India (I hope the Council can find a way of punctuating that before it comes out), says India may now have fewer English speakers than China.

14. The security relationship between the two countries continues to be characterized by wariness and uncertainty due primarily to the potential for armed conflict over Taiwan, but also because of a history of crises punctuating the last twenty years.

15. danci.911chaxun.com

15. The textbooks were chiefly Confucian classics, and the contents of teaching included punctuating, passage analysis and interpretation of words.

16. Archaic Chinese Punctuating Sentences Based on Context N-gram Model

17. Various kinds of punctuating and annotating novels texts and the other theory works of literature also brings us much theory which concentrating abundant intelligence in describing personages.

18. The Connecting Link of Style and Mode of Ancient Literary Criticism and Punctuating

19. Selecting Great Power Apparatus by Measuring Front / biased Secondary punctuating parameters

punctuating 单语例句

1. Electronic keyboards and punctuating percussion add modern textures and give us spellbinding creations that span the centuries.

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