
pushing是什么意思 pushing在线翻译 pushing什么意思 pushing的意思 pushing的翻译 pushing的解释 pushing的发音 pushing的同义词 pushing的反义词

pushing ['pʊʃɪŋ]  [ˈpʊʃɪŋ] 


pushing 基本解释

形容词<口>接近(某个年龄)的; 接近40岁(或50岁等); 莽撞的; 死后下葬

动词推,推动( push的现在分词 ); 对…施加压力; 逼迫; 按

pushing 网络解释

1. pushing的意思

1. 推人犯规:犯规包括撞人犯规(charging),阻挡犯规(holing)和推人犯规(pushing). 此外还有技术犯规(technical offense, technical fouls). 在比赛过程中,进攻方选手可以使用合理的运球(dribbling)和手段,运球共有五种:队员之间通过传球(pass)可以调动双方,

2. 推挤:状如鱼肉,局部有出血、坏死或囊性变. 内淋巴基质肌病由圆核与致密胞浆之基质细胞小结构成,常与子宫内膜基质肉瘤混误. 二者之鉴别在于每IOHPF之核分裂相. 内淋巴基质肌病之核分裂相<5/10HPF,且有推挤(pushing)甚于浸润之边缘.

3. pushing什么意思

3. 推人:3.technical foul 技术犯规 | 4.pushing 推人 | 5.holding 拉人

pushing 词典解释

1. 接近;将近
    If you say that someone is pushing a particular age, you mean that they are nearly that age.

    e.g. Pushing 40, he was an ageing rock star.

pushing 单语例句

1. Robots currently being used in households are reliant on button pushing, but Schulz feels this must be carried further so communication becomes more natural.

2. Obama is pushing elements of his American Jobs Act in the Congress, and trying to get payroll tax cut extended.

3. Li said he is still pushing forward plans to buy foreign banks, adding that target banks include but are not limited to American banks.

4. Foreign automakers are pushing to expand sales in China while young but ambitious local brands such as Volvo buyer Geely want to raise their profile.

5. The Americans and Europeans are pushing for a resolution by the end of the year.

6. Retail sales increased by 17 percent in real terms, pushing up the country's gross domestic product growth by 4 percentage points.

7. This reform focused on pushing for transforming government functions and restructuring those cabinet agencies closely linked with economic system.

8. Noh said the record was even more impressive given that " there was no one of his caliber pushing him in the next lane ".

9. He called for all parties to show sincerity and flexibility in pushing forward the negotiation process despite difficulties and problems.

10. Paraguayan referee Carlos Torres apparently gave the kick for pushing and Robinho calmly scored with a low shot amid Chilean protests.


pushing 英英释义


1. the act of applying force in order to move something away

    e.g. he gave the door a hard push
           the pushing is good exercise

    Synonym: push

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