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pythons 基本解释

巨蛇,大蟒( python的名词复数 );

pythons 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Similarly, a pit organ`s aperture is about 1 mm—large enough to allow the snake to quickly detect moving prey. Some scientists even suggest that pythons—a type of boid—have a variety of differently shaped pit organs, each serving a different biological function.

2. The island is very rich in animal resources, monkeys (10 natural group of about 300), pangolins, civet cats, wild boar, Huang Xun, deer and other mammals; kite, Zhi, brown wings Arthur Juan, Sisheng cuckoo, seedling Chicken, Banjiu 40 species of birds, pythons, Bungarus fasciatus, Yinhuan snake, cobra, Trimeresurus stejnegeri, two snakes, Cuora trifasciata, grass lizards, such as Eumeces the more than 10 types of reptiles; rugulosa frog, Marsh frogs, Ze frog, Rana Ji, Tree Frog, black toad and other amphibians orbital; only insects are more than 40 kinds of butterflies.

3. pythons

3. Play: 29534. Disaster of 409 wild pythons latest US action horror thriller DVD-RMVB Chinese...
    播放:29534。狂蟒之灾4 09美国最新动作恐怖惊悚大片DVD-RMVB 中文。。。

4. Animals include black monkeys, leaf monkeys and macaques; Java, barking, sambar and mouse deer; squirrels, wild pigs, buffalos, iguanas and pythons.

5. Researchers are surprised how well the pythons have adapted to Florida, which can get chilly in the winter (temperatures dropped into the low 40s in November).

6. pythons是什么意思

6. The Australian ones are reptiles, such as water-living pythons, file snakes, freshwater turtles, crocodiles and a variety of lizards, including the Frilled Lizard.

7. pythons

7. A small band of newly licensed trappers hit the trail this week of pythons...

8. Every snake has a different diet and need different environment to live in. Snakes, which are kept as exotic pets, range from a common garter snake to pythons.

9. Pythons are among the largest snakes in the world, and the reticulated python of India may have been one of the inspirations behind dragon lore in ancient times.
    巨蟒 巨蟒是世界上最大的蛇类,印度的网纹蟒可能就是古时候激发人们对于龙的遐想的灵感之一。

10. The kids loved the monkeys crawling through the cities, the many traditional puppet shows we saw, the two elephant rides we took, and most of all, the snake charmers and their dancing cobras and pet baby pythons.

11. You could still buy all the duikers, pangolins, pythons, pouched rats, and porcupines necessary to make a fancy stew & but not monkeys.

12. Baby ball pythons are one of the most available reptiles in the market today and most of these are bred in the wild.

13. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

13. A 23-inch freshwater crocodile, 47 blue tongue lizards, three bearded dragons and two pythons were missing.

14. pythons的意思

14. In the last several years, the popularity of ball pythons (Python regius) has skyrocketed. The acre of garden is host to a splendid bank of rhododendrons.

15. Pythons elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms.

16. pythons的反义词

16. Very real boa constrictors, pythons and corn snakes are laying curled up together under a blanket, waiting for their cue to join in the class.

17. pythons的翻译

17. Eyes in2 pythons yellow at darkly in send out fluorescence, I still the atmosphere doesn't dare as well, ambiguously saw a python lightly a crest two times, see rock have no action.

18. When pythons are found in the Everglades, they are often killed.

19. We saw elephants, kangaroos, cheetahs, pythons and many other animals at the zoo.

20. Biologists say adult pythons are able to eat small deer and bobcats.

pythons 单语例句

1. If they injected fasting pythons with that mixture, those snakes'hearts grew the same way that a fed python's does.

2. Some owners have freed pythons into the wild and a population of them has taken hold in the Everglades.

3. Scientist Thomas Van Lent says pythons have been found along the sides of roads, as if thrown there from vehicles.

4. Pythons, bats and giant armadillos are among the longest sleepers at over 18 hours a day.

5. Over the years, many pythons have been abandoned in the Everglades by pet owners.

6. Scientists also speculate a number of Burmese pythons escaped in 1992 from pet shops battered by Hurricane Andrew and have been reproducing since.

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