
qualification是什么意思 qualification在线翻译 qualification什么意思 qualification的意思 qualification的翻译 qualification的解释 qualification的发音

qualification [ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  [ˌkwɑ:lɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 


qualification 基本解释

名词资格,授权; 条件,限制; 合格证书

qualification 反义词

qualification 相关例句


1. What are the qualifications for an airline pilot?

2. qualification的解释

2. She passed her qualification for the Olympic gymnastic competition.

3. The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified.

4. They accepted my plan without qualifications of any kind.

5. What qualifications have you got to have for this job?

qualification 网络解释

1. 鉴定:在这个计划中的产品将保证在推出15个月时间内保持销售. CSIP计划在今年9月1日开始实行,持续15个月. 该计划分为鉴定(qualification)阶段(三个月)和部署(deployment)阶段(12个月).

2. 任职资格:任职资格(Qualification) 1.连续2年以上客车相关驾驶经验,家住闵行莘庄地区,黄浦区,城隍庙或南浦大桥附近优先 2.45岁以下,限男性,中专及以上学历,上海市驾驶执照A1驾照; 3.接受过安全知识、交通管理等知识培训,驾驶技术熟练,

qualification 词典解释

1. (通过考试获得的)资格,学历;资格考试
    Your qualifications are the examinations that you have passed.

    e.g. They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications...
    e.g. Lucy wants to study medicine but needs more qualifications.

2. (通过考试后)取得资格,合格,达到标准
    Qualification is the act of passing the examinations you need to work in a particular profession.


    e.g. Following qualification, he worked as a social worker.

3. (完成某项活动或任务所需的)素质,技能,资历
    The qualifications you need for an activity or task are the qualities and skills that you need to be able to do it.

    e.g. Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications...
    e.g. That time with him is my qualification to write this book.

4. 限制条件;限定事项
    A qualification is a detail or explanation that you add to a statement to make it less strong or less general.

    e.g. The empirical evidence considered here is subject to many qualifications...
    e.g. This statement requires qualification and clarification.

qualification 单语例句

1. The spokesman for the Ministry of Health has apologized for the recent exam leak scandal, which resulted in the cancellation of the national qualification exams for licensed doctors.

2. The incident was almost a carbon copy of the 2008 European Championship qualification match between Denmark and Sweden.

3. The draft requires that all companies or individuals get a qualification certificate before conducting any activity related to map compilation.

4. To establish a qualification system for pharmacy shopping assistants, including an examination that assistants will have to pass to be certified.

5. Experts say there's an intricate chain of commercial interests behind professional qualification tests, and regulation is scattered among the ministries that oversee the different professions.

6. China retained its automatic qualification even after the change of venue and will host the tournament in 2007.

7. The CIRC is also adding qualification requirements for insurers seeking an initial public offering or to sell additional equity.

8. Some say he might consider his future if City fail to secure Champions League qualification in the final three games.

9. The group has obtained the nation's housing construction general contracting premium certificate and the business qualification for foreign contracted projects.

10. Environmental criteria are included in the selection and qualification of Airbus suppliers and have been introduced in contractual agreements.

qualification 英英释义


1. the act of modifying or changing the strength of some idea

    e.g. his new position involves a qualification of his party's platform

2. an attribute that must be met or complied with and that fits a person for something

    e.g. her qualifications for the job are excellent
           one of the qualifications for admission is an academic degree
           she has the makings of fine musician

    Synonym: making

3. a statement that limits or restricts some claim

    e.g. he recommended her without any reservations

    Synonym: reservation

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