
quota是什么意思 quota在线翻译 quota什么意思 quota的意思 quota的翻译 quota的解释 quota的发音 quota的同义词 quota的反义词 quota的例句

quota [ˈkwəʊtə]  [ˈkwoʊtə] 


quota 基本解释


名词配额; 指标; (正式限定的)定量,定额

quota 相关例句


1. Our group fulfilled this month's quota ahead of time.

2. quota什么意思

2. No boat is allowed to catch more than its quota of fish.

3. Each has his quota of work for the day.

quota 网络解释

1. quota的意思

1. 额度:Oracle 细说客户关系管理(CRM) 之三----该组件是销售套装应用软件的基 础,它的设计目标是帮助决策者们管理其销售运 作. 它包含的关键功能为额度(quota) 管 理、销售队伍管理和地域管 理.

2. quota是什么意思

2. 定额:Q、定额(QUOTA)睡眠,即每天晚上都有相等的足量睡眠时间,可以帮助皮肤保持光泽. R、清洗(RINSE)皮肤对于在海里或游泳池里游过泳的人来说很有必要,因为干净的水可以把沾在皮肤上的盐分和其他脏物洗净.

3. 限额:假如需要这些粒子受结点的影响,可以把粒子发射到本地空间(local space)中. 粒子系统不能无限制的发射粒子,它有一个限额(quota). 一旦到达限额,粒子系统不会再发射粒子,直到已经存在的粒子消亡. 缺省的限额是10.

quota 词典解释

1. 定量;定额;配额
    A quota is the limited number or quantity of something which is officially allowed.

    e.g. The quota of four tickets per person had been reduced to two.

2. (给予某团体的)限额,配额
    A quota is a fixed maximum or minimum proportion of people from a particular group who are allowed to do something, such as come and live in a country or work for the government.


    e.g. The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers.

3. 配额;份额;指标
    Someone's quota of something is their expected or deserved share of it.


    e.g. They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt.

quota 单语例句

1. Economists and industry analysts said the newly increased loan quota would go mainly to SMEs and largely help small businesses out of capital shortage.

2. While our quota has recently been raised to US $ 300 million, it is still small compared to the US $ 420 billion capitalization of the market.

3. Lu said the EU will grant airlines a certain quota for free carbon emissions based on the records of their flights to and from Europe.

4. The leaders also urged the IMF to carry out promised reforms of its quota and governance systems.

5. The actual take tends to be about 30 percent lower than the quota, depending on demand for the meat.

6. Textile experts also point out the export of finished cashmere garments will grow rapidly, with the lifting of the WTO textile quota.

7. The government reserves cattle at livestock farms or meat in cold storage plants across the country at a specified quota every year.

8. They've caught more than 60 striped dolphins so far this year under the government quota system.

9. If the central authority does not increase the offer quota for Guangdong, the large group of newcomers will make the competition much more daunting than before.

10. It found eight out of ten primary care trusts are failing to give childless couples the recommended quota of three IVF cycles.


quota 英英释义


1. a limitation on imports

    e.g. the quota for Japanese imports was negotiated

2. a proportional share assigned to each participant

3. a prescribed number

    e.g. all the salesmen met their quota for the month

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