
quotes是什么意思 quotes在线翻译 quotes什么意思 quotes的意思 quotes的翻译 quotes的解释 quotes的发音 quotes的同义词 quotes的反义词 quotes的例句

quotes [k'wəʊts]  [k'woʊts] 


quotes 基本解释

报价;引述;引用,援引( quote的第三人称单数 );为报价;

quotes 网络解释

1. 引用:前面曾经提过,旧约的暗指之言(allusions)比直接的引用(quotes)多得多. 但是许多讲论新约对旧约之运用的书,都只注重引用之言. 穆尔(D.Moo)曾说,暗指之言实际上更具强调作用,因为作者假定读者知道这些事(1983:169). 这便意味,

2. quotes的解释

2. 引号:请注意参数字串必须被双引号 (quotes) 夹住. 另外也请注意,为了能让参数字串起作用, kernel 内必须有符合这个磁碟类型的驱动程式. 如果没有,那麽就没有东西会去接受 (listen for) 这个参数字串,所以你将必须重新建造一个包含指定驱动程式的 kernel .

3. 报价:通常都是根据电子商务标准规定开展电子商务交易活动,电子商务标准规定了电子商务交易应遵循的基本程序,简述如下: 客户方向供货方提出商品报价请求(REQOTE),说明想购买的商品信息; 供货方向客户方回答该商品的报价(QUOTES),说明该商品的报价信息;

4. 中文:引号:中文:引号,鸭脚式引号duck-foot quotes | 中文:引号quotes | 中文:引发剂initiator

quotes 单语例句

1. When the newlyweds went to take pictures, they must chant Mao's quotes and wear Mao badges.

2. I keep reading about all of these movies coming out and quotes from people saying, 'We don't take off our clothes - we're classy.

3. It calculates a daily rate by taking a weighted average of quotes from commercial banks designated to act as market makers in the currency.

4. Both quotes were picked from Wen's emotional press finale this March when he addressed a press conference after the conclusion of the annual parliamentary session.

5. " There are very strong sentiments within the military against brandishing nuclear weapons against other countries, " the magazine quotes the Pentagon adviser as saying.

6. House prosecutor David Ellis displayed the most damning quotes individually on poster boards.

7. If traffic police want to provide service for drivers, why didn't they invite bidders before deciding on a company that quotes the lowest charges?

8. " I want to make money, " the affidavit quotes him as saying in one conversation.

9. She outlined the structure and wanted famous quotes to embellish our arguments.

10. Much of the article that came out was transcriptions from my answers even though only a few sentences were credited as direct quotes.

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