
raider是什么意思 raider在线翻译 raider什么意思 raider的意思 raider的翻译 raider的解释 raider的发音 raider的同义词 raider的反义词 raider的例句

raider [ˈreɪdə(r)]  [ˈreɪdər] 


raider 基本解释

名词袭击者,侵入者; 扰乱者; 进行袭击、抢劫或搜查的人,进行突袭的舰队、飞机等

raider 网络解释

1. (狼骑):咕噜兵(Grunt)/狼骑(Raider) 完全不用. 我多次设法使用法师来改变比赛. Grubby:更低的Kodo的hp, 减少诱捕期间-轻微地 (至少使1 个狼骑Raider的诱捕不会连续), 更低的精灵狼的经验值, 增加5秒的哨塔建筑周期,

2. raider是什么意思

2. (掠夺者):就在兽人部落快要灭种之际,先知出现了,成为了他们的领导者,凝聚起了这盘散沙,又组织训练了兽族步兵(Grunt)、巨魔猎头者(Troll Headhunter)、狼骑士(掠夺者)(Raider)、科多兽(Kodo Beast)、蝙蝠骑士(Troll Batrider)、风骑士(Wind Rider)等多个兵种,

3. 狼騎兵:兽族的狼骑兵(raider)和人族的骑兵(knight)的攻击力较强,移动速度快,在部队中一般用于打前锋. 兽族的巫师(necrolyte)、邪术师(warlock)和人族的法师(clotic)、传教士的攻击力虽低,却拥有强大的法术,一般作为作战队伍中的辅助部队.

raider 词典解释

1. 抢劫犯;劫匪
    Raiders are people who enter a building or place by force in order to steal something.

    e.g. The raiders escaped with cash and jewellery.

2. 突击兵;突击队员
    Raiders are soldiers who make a sudden armed attack on a place, with the aim of causing damage or taking something, rather than occupying any of the enemy's land.

    e.g. The raiders continued on their mission — to seek out and destroy American air and sea forces.

3. see also: corporate raider

raider 单语例句

1. The " Tomb Raider " star has spoken out about the delivery of Shiloh Nouvel and her immediate worries after childbirth.

2. The Tomb Raider actress has been roped in to star opposite Brosnan in the sequel to the 1999 film The Thomas Crown Affair.

3. Once almost a nightly raider, he last went near a farmer's field four months ago.

4. Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie has been searching for a home in Yorkshire.

5. It acts as a timer for every raid, as the raider has to hold his breath when chanting.

6. However, the'Tomb Raider'actress claims such fights are the oxygen of her relationship with Pitt.

7. The Tomb Raider star signed on with CAA last March, and is not expected to sign up with another agency.

8. Brad is now in a relationship with'Tomb Raider'star Angelina Jolie, who he met on the set of'Mr and Mrs Smith'.

9. Now all visitors to the Red Piano can experience the beverage - named Tomb Raider in Jolie's honour.

10. Asked which child ran the roost, the Tomb Raider star replied it was Zahara.

raider 英英释义


1. a corporate investor who intends to take over a company by buying a controlling interest in its stock and installing new management

2. someone who takes spoils or plunder (as in war)

    Synonym: plundererpillagerlooterspoilerdespoilerfreebooter

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