
rain insurance是什么意思 rain insurance在线翻译 rain insurance什么意思 rain insurance的意思 rain insurance的翻译 rain insurance的解释

rain insurance [rein inˈʃuərəns]  [ren ɪnˈʃʊrəns] 

rain insurance 基本解释


rain insurance 网络解释

1. rain insurance的解释

1. 雨水保险:Racial segregation 种族隔离 | Rain insurance 雨水保险 | Rarnpant 猖獗的

2. 雨害保险:quota share reinsurance 成数分保 | rain insurance 雨害保险 | reciprocal reinsurance 互惠分保

rain insurance 双语例句

1. rain insurance

1. Marine and war risk insurance policies/certificate with claim payable in XX for the CIF value plus 10 pct covering WPA including SRCC THEFT oliferage non delivery warehouse to warehouse abd additional risks against rain or fresh water damage, damage by other cargo, irrespective of percentage war clause and all risks.
    战争海损保险保险/证明中包赔货物的CIF价值加上10%的WPA,包含SRCC THEFT 提货不着险和附加的雨淋和淡水损害险,其他货物损害险,不包含战争险和一切险的比例。

2. The man behind the idea, Herv Kayser, told French daily Le Figaro that in a trial run last year, 10 percent of those interested in the insurance policy witnessed sufficient rain to receive money back on their holiday.
    这个点子的始作俑者Herv Kayser告诉French daily Le Figaro日报,去年试运营期间对这一保险政策感兴趣的人中有10%遇上的雨大到符合获得对他们假期的退钱。

3. We have arranged the insurance on all the Leather spplied against TPND, Contamination and Rain in addition to WPA at the rate of 10% for the sum of US $10, 000 with the insurance company.

4. The insurance policy, launched by holiday groups Pierre et Vacances and FranceLoc, will allow holiday-makers to claim back part of the cost of their trip if they suffer at least four days of rain in any one week.
    这份保险方案是由度假小组的Pierre et Vacances and FranceLoc发起的,如果游客在旅行的一周中有4周遭受了雨天,那么游客可以提出偿还部分旅行费用。

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Peng Chi-ming, founder of WeatherRisk Explore and who worked on the Leofoo project, says Leofoo began looking for insurance dose to the holiday period, when forecasts were out and indicated a high probability of rain, and naturally, not wanting to run at a loss, Fubon raised its premiums accordingly.

6. rain insurance的解释

6. This is a company specializing in the production of raincoats, Yupi series of old factories, Gangnam brand products, including tourism, motorcycles, fishing, hunting, the shipping industry, mining, electrical products, such as labor insurance rain.

7. If the damage is due to erosion of rain water during sea voyage, you should lodge your claim with the insurance company.

rain insurance 单语例句

1. It is an early flowering and maturing grape which some vintners regard as " insurance " against rain at the general harvest.

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