
rally是什么意思 rally在线翻译 rally什么意思 rally的意思 rally的翻译 rally的解释 rally的发音 rally的同义词 rally的反义词 rally的例句

rally [ˈræli]  [ˈræli] 


rally 基本解释

及物动词召集,集合; 重整; 重振,恢复

不及物动词聚集; 集合; 反弹,反败为胜; 恢复(元气等)

名词集合; 重新集合; 重整的信号; 反败为胜

rally 相关词组

1. rally round : 在困难时前来帮助某人;

rally 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The commander rallied his tired soldiers and they fought off the enemy at last.

2. The boys rallied him on his short haircut.

3. They made a last-minute effort to rally their supporters.


1. His father rallied from his illness.


1. His sudden rally surprised the doctor.

rally 网络解释

1. 汽车拉力赛:插一小段三菱的特点,喜欢看汽车拉力赛(RALLY)的人都一定熟悉三菱,尤其是这款代表车 LANCER EVO. 越野能力强的车一定要有很好的操纵性,尤其是弯道,这款更不用提,弯道小霸王. 0-100KM/H需要8.66秒,不算快. . . 300马力的车一般都在5秒多.

2. 拉力赛:在有路基的土路、砂砾路或柏油路上进行,是CRC中国 -什么是拉力赛 CRC中国 拉力赛(Rally) 拉力,是其英文Rally的中文译音,是汽车道路比赛项目之一. 在有路基的土路、砂砾路或柏油路上进行,是

3. rally

3. 集会:304plural复数李子(plum)集会(rally)肯定很多,复数305bangkok曼谷从银行取完钱g吸了k粉在曼谷卡拉ok 306san diego圣地亚哥小三死去,呆在圣地亚哥干吗307warsaw华沙能看到过去战争的地方,肯定是华沙,波兰的首都308turkey火鸡、土耳其这个火鸡太大了,

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 聚集:禁止过栏杆(banister),四你不吉祥(sinister),关进修道院(cloister),六百支持者(buster庞然大物),旋转老处女(spinster)公牛在前在恐吓(bully),填进一匹小母马(filly),小花全部在聚集(rally),老俞全部支持者(ally),

rally 词典解释

1. 群众大会;集会
    A rally is a large public meeting that is held in order to show support for something such as a political party.


    e.g. About three thousand people held a rally to mark international human rights day...
    e.g. Supporters of the policy are reported to be gathering in Delhi for a mass rally.

2. 一致支持;团结起来
    When people rally to something or when something rallies them, they unite to support it.

    e.g. His supporters have rallied to his defence...
    e.g. He rallied his own supporters for a fight.

3. 振作;恢复
    When someone or something rallies, they begin to recover or improve after having been weak.

    e.g. He rallied enough to thank his doctors...
    e.g. Markets began to rally worldwide.

4. (汽车、摩托车等的)公路大赛
    A rally is a competition in which vehicles are driven over public roads.

    e.g. Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally.
    e.g. ...an accomplished rally driver.

5. (网球、羽毛球、壁球等的)连续对打
    A rally in tennis, badminton, or squash is a continuous series of shots that the players exchange without stopping.

    e.g. ...a long rally.

相关词组:rally around

rally 单语例句

1. A recent rally in the Chinese stock market has fueled passions across the board, from individual investors to large institutions.

2. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.

3. Butler keyed the rally with nine points, and Sasha Vujacic had eight as Los Angeles cut into the Memphis lead.

4. Indian jewelry buying trickled in ahead of the key festival of Diwali on Oct 19, though the recent price rally is deterring some buyers.

5. The pattern is invalidated by a fourth rally that rises above the peak level of the right shoulder.

6. He made a brief phone call that was broadcast to the rally Thursday night.

7. France's UMP political party presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy delivers a speech during a campaign rally in Tours on Tuesday.

8. The organizers are planning to stage another rally in the Australian capital of Canberra when the Olympic torch arrives there on April 24.

9. Cancellation of the rally undoubtedly will feed a positive public image among the local community.

10. The protests will build to another candlelight rally on Monday night that organizers are hoping will attract thousands.

rally 英英释义



1. the feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort

    e.g. he singled to start a rally in the 9th inning
           he feared the rallying of their troops for a counterattack

    Synonym: rallying

2. (sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes

    e.g. after a short rally Connors won the point

    Synonym: exchange

3. an automobile race run over public roads

4. a large gathering of people intended to arouse enthusiasm

    Synonym: mass meeting

5. a marked recovery of strength or spirits during an illness


1. return to a former condition

    e.g. The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends
           The stock market rallied

    Synonym: rebound

2. harass with persistent criticism or carping

    e.g. The children teased the new teacher
           Don't ride me so hard over my failure
           His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

    Synonym: teaserazzragcodtantalizetantalisebaittaunttwitride

3. call to arms
    of military personnel

    Synonym: call upmobilizemobilise

4. gather or bring together

    e.g. muster the courage to do something
           she rallied her intellect
           Summon all your courage

    Synonym: mustersummoncome upmuster up

5. gather

    e.g. drum up support

    Synonym: beat updrum up

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