
reconstruction是什么意思 reconstruction在线翻译 reconstruction什么意思 reconstruction的意思 reconstruction的翻译 reconstruction的解释

reconstruction [ˌri:kənˈstrʌkʃn]  [ˌrikənˈstrʌkʃən] 


reconstruction 基本解释

名词重建; 再现; 重建物; 复原物

reconstruction 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.

reconstruction 网络解释

1. 复原:历史地理学工作者可以采用横剖面(cross section )的方法, 通过一系列横剖面的复原(reconstruction),来恢复某一地区地理景观的变化过程,从而为现代地理景观的特点做出发生学的解释.

2. 构拟:只是社会语言学的真时证明和历史语言学的历时证明不一样,历史语言学的文献比较所得的时间差度(time span)比较大,如果是历史语言学的构拟(reconstruction),时间差度可能更大,可以达到几千年,但因为社会语言学的历史尚浅,

3. reconstruction在线翻译

3. 再造:其中,前者属于合理使用,而后者属于侵权. 修护(repair)一般针对于耗材,再造(reconstruction)是针对于非耗品

reconstruction 词典解释

1. (战后的)重建
    Reconstruction is the process of making a country normal again after a war, for example by making the economy stronger and by replacing buildings that have been damaged.

    e.g. ...America's part in the post-war reconstruction of Germany.

2. (建筑物或道路的)重新修建
    The reconstruction of a building, structure, or road is the activity of building it again, because it has been damaged.

    e.g. Work began on the reconstruction of the road.

3. (犯罪现场的)重现
    The reconstruction of a crime or event is when people try to understand or show exactly what happened, often by acting it out.

    e.g. Mrs Kerr was too upset to take part in a reconstruction of her ordeal.

reconstruction 单语例句

1. Reconstruction of other aspects of the business model will be completed by the end of this year.

2. This project consists of the reconstruction of telecom infrastructure, and the deployment of the Internet and cable television broadcasting system.

3. China on Friday called for the rapid launch of an inclusive political process and economic reconstruction in the country.

4. President Hu Jintao Thursday said China is willing to take an active part in Iraq's reconstruction.

5. It attaches importance to and takes an active part in Afghan reconstruction process.

6. " The president expressed his strong determination to carry through for the task of Iraq's reconstruction, " Abe said.

7. Face transplants go far beyond the transfer of skin and facial features, using things like bone and cartilage for reconstruction.

8. The huge projected demand for cement needed for reconstruction following the Wenchuan earthquake is expected to strain supplies from sources in the neighboring areas.

9. The United States encourages Japan to spend a big sum of money in certain fields, such as the reconstruction of Iraq.

10. The nation's cultural relics chief is opposed to the blind reconstruction of old city towns.

reconstruction 英英释义


1. the activity of constructing something again

2. recall that is hypothesized to work by storing abstract features which are then used to construct the memory during recall

    Synonym: reconstructive memory

3. an interpretation formed by piecing together bits of evidence

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