
recreational是什么意思 recreational在线翻译 recreational什么意思 recreational的意思 recreational的翻译 recreational的解释 recreational的发音

recreational [ˌrekriˈeɪʃənl]  [ˌrɛkriˈeʃənəl] 

recreational 基本解释

形容词娱乐的; 消遣的

recreational 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 娱乐:比如你可以选择专业(pro)、非正式(underground)和娱乐(recreational)等不同级别. 但我们想看到更多更灵活的选项,比如,你不想和年龄太小的人一起玩,你可以在选项里把这部分玩家屏蔽掉. 当然这样玩家在注册帐号是也得把自己的年龄填上.

2. 娱乐用游泳池:competition 竞赛用游泳池 | recreational 娱乐用游泳池 | pools structure 游泳池结构

3. recreational的翻译

3. 娱乐的:recreation 消遣 | recreational 娱乐的 | recreationist 行乐的人

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. 休养的、娱乐的:78、commentary 解说词 | 79、recreational 休养的、娱乐的 | 80、shrift 忏悔、悔悟、承认

recreational 词典解释

1. 休闲的;娱乐的
    Recreational means relating to things people do in their spare time to relax.

    e.g. ...parks and other recreational facilities.
    e.g. ...recreational use of alcohol.

recreational 单语例句

1. Functional aspect requires the utilitarian value in the work, in addition to its recreational and collectable value.

2. The numbers of luxury recreational venues and consuming power of China's rich are equivalent to other major international metropolises such as Paris or New York.

3. A new cruise ship port in northern Jamaica celebrated its official launch on Tuesday with the arrival of one of the world's largest recreational liners.

4. Often a long narrow piece of land that provides recreational space for residents, greenways are increasingly popular with cyclists in the delta.

5. The government said that the rise came from strong sales of digital cameras and recreational services.

6. Even those who seek it for " recreational''purposes or for " dispelling loneliness''do not seem to be proud of it.

7. The Chinese Shen Neng 1 ran aground late Saturday on Douglas Shoals, a favorite pristine haunt for recreational fishing east of the Great Keppel Island tourist resort.

8. Bosses had feared the worst when an initial draft of a new local government rule for entertainment and recreational venues barred the performances.

9. He said the government should give district councils greater power in granting financial resources for environmental hygiene and recreational and leisure programmes.

10. We face another challenge in spreading knowledge about AIDS prevention and the importance of using condoms to those working in recreational venues.

recreational 英英释义



1. engaged in as a pastime

    e.g. an amateur painter
           gained valuable experience in amateur theatricals
           recreational golfers
           reading matter that is both recreational and mentally stimulating
           unpaid extras in the documentary

    Synonym: amateurunpaid

2. of or relating to recreation

    e.g. a recreational area with a pool and ball fields

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