
reed是什么意思 reed在线翻译 reed什么意思 reed的意思 reed的翻译 reed的解释 reed的发音 reed的同义词 reed的反义词 reed的例句 reed的相关词组

reed [ri:d]  [ri:d] 


reed 基本解释

名词芦苇; 芦苇杆; [乐]舌簧

reed 相关例句


1. We tried to avoid the beds of reeds at the river curves.

reed 网络解释

1. 簧片:首先这道工序很重要,通过调音每个簧片(reed)才能有准确的发音. 廉价口琴的生产中可能根本没有这道工序,所以音准问题很难得到保证. (对初学音乐者来说,培养识音能力是很重要要的,使用音不准的乐器,影响就可想而知了.

2. 里德:l887-1949)对书中的植物进行了大量的研究工作,写了一部题为<<<救荒本草>中所列的饥荒食物>>(Famine列出了书中358种植物的汉名、已知学名、英文名称、化学成分和在其他国家食用的情况. 美国植物学家H.S.里德(Reed)在<<植物学简史>>(A

3. 苇:12月8日 芦苇(Reed) 花语:深情 花占卜:你大生有丰富的才华,而且为人颇自负,经不起别人的怂恿,勇于向人挑战. 你喜欢听到赞美的声音,失去了原有的自我本色,加上容易相信别人,误交损友. 积极培养一下观察能力,你有获得幸福的充分条件.

reed 词典解释

1. 芦苇
    Reeds are tall plants that grow in large groups in shallow water or on ground that is always wet and soft. They have strong, hollow stems that can be used for making things such as mats or baskets.

2. (木管乐器中的)簧片
    A reed is a small piece of cane or metal inserted into the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument. The reed vibrates when you blow through it and makes a sound.


reed 单语例句

1. Rustic charm appears in the braised pork short ribs served with a piece of corn on the cob and wrapped in reed.

2. Reed's jaunt with a pass tipped by Cincinnati receiver Brandon Tate put the diminutive safety in the NFL record book.

3. Associated Press writer Colleen Long and researcher Julie Reed contributed to this report from New York.

4. Investigators do not believe Reed had anything to do with Henson's disappearance.

5. Nikki Reed has admitted the'Twilight Saga'cast don't all get along.

6. Nearly all of the artifacts were collected by former mayor Stephen Reed, who dreamed of building a Wild West museum in Harrisburg that never materialized.

7. The reed wrapping of the rice dumpling is taken off and fried with crabmeat with cracked bone.

8. Also in the ensemble was the sheng, a reed pipe wind instrument whose history also goes back for thousands of years.

9. But Reed also knows Atlanta will face fierce competition from other cities and countries in accessing China.

10. Fold over bamboo leaf to make a pyramid and secure with a piece of reed or raffia.

reed 英英释义



1. a musical instrument that sounds by means of a vibrating reed

    Synonym: beating-reed instrumentreed instrument

2. a vibrator consisting of a thin strip of stiff material that vibrates to produce a tone when air streams over it

    e.g. the clarinetist fitted a new reed onto his mouthpiece

    Synonym: vibrating reed

3. tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems especially of the genera Arundo and Phragmites

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