
regular是什么意思 regular在线翻译 regular什么意思 regular的意思 regular的翻译 regular的解释 regular的发音 regular的同义词 regular的反义词

regular [ˈregjələ(r)]  [ˈrɛɡjəlɚ] 


regular 基本解释

形容词有规律的; 规则,整齐的; 不变的; 合格的

名词正规军; 主力(或正式)队员; 常客

副词定期地; 经常地

regular 同义词

regular 反义词


regular 相关词组

1. keep regular hours : 生活有规律, 按时作息;


regular 相关例句


1. regular什么意思

1. He is a handsome young man with regular features.

2. I doubt whether your procedure would be considered regular by authorities.

3. He made a regular visit to his parents.

4. He's got no regular job.

5. Laura was one of his regular customers.


1. regular的近义词

1. The barman gave free drinks to the regulars at Christmas.

regular 情景对话



A:What’s (wrong/ the matter/ the problem) with the regular television stations?

B:The shows are boring.



B:It’s (thirty percent off / seventy percent of / 30 percent cheaper than) the regular price.

A:Well, that’s a good deal.



A:I'd like to buy some stamps for this letter.


B:Let me just weigh it first.

A:How much will it be?


B:Are you sending it by regular or by speed?

A:Just the regular.

B:That'll be four yuan.

A:How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination?

B:Just two days.


B:Good day.

A:Good day also to you.

regular 网络解释

1. 有规律的:猫睡觉不是特殊的(special)现象,是常见的(common)、自然的(natural),但却是极有规律的(regular). 是对文章第一段的总结. 13.B.词义比较. 情绪和状态不是增加(increase)或提高(raise). 选change意味着情绪和态度正反好坏都有变化;

regular 词典解释

1. 定时的;定期的;有规律的
    Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week.


    e.g. Take regular exercise...
    e.g. Now it's time for our regular look at the world of international sport...

Exercise regularly...
He also writes regularly for 'International Management' magazine.
The overdraft arrangements had been generous because of the regularity of the half-yearly payments.

2. 经常的;频繁的
    Regular events happen often.

    e.g. ...after a morning punctuated by regular volleys of gunfire...
    e.g. This condition usually clears up with regular shampooing.

Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here...
Potentially dangerous bacteria are regularly sent from one laboratory to another.
Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.

3. 经常光顾的;经常去的
    If you are, for example, a regular customer at a shop or a regular visitor to a place, you go there often.

    e.g. 'Tell me, Mr Mentakis, was Mrs Savalas one of your regular customers?'...
    e.g. She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.

4. 常客;老顾客;固定成员;正式成员
    The regulars at a place or in a team are the people who often go to the place or are often in the team.

    e.g. Regulars at his local pub have set up a fund to help out...
    e.g. I wasn't one of their regulars.

5. 经常使用的;固定的
    You use regular when referring to the thing, person, time, or place that is usually used by someone. For example, someone's regular place is the place where they usually sit.

    e.g. The man sat at his regular table near the window.
    e.g. ...samples from one of their regular suppliers.

6. (声音或动作)规律的,规则的
    A regular rhythm consists of a series of sounds or movements with equal periods of time between them.

    e.g. ...a very regular beat...
    e.g. He stood in the doorway, listening to her quiet, regular breathing.

Remember to breathe regularly.
Experimenters have succeeded in controlling the rate and regularity of the heartbeat.

7. 正常的;常见的;普通的
      Regular is used to mean 'normal'.

      e.g. The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette...
      e.g. He describes himself as just a regular guy from suburban Chicago.

8. (饮品或食物)分量适中的,中份的
      In some restaurants, a regular drink or quantity of food is of medium size.

      e.g. ...a cheeseburger and regular fries.

9. 整齐排列的;(空距)均匀的
      A regular pattern or arrangement consists of a series of things with equal spaces between them.

      e.g. ...strange small rounded sandy hillocks, that look as if they've been scattered in a regular pattern on the ground.
      e.g. ...regular rows of wooden huts.

10. 匀称的;对称的
      If something has a regular shape, both halves are the same and it has straight edges or a smooth outline.

      e.g. ...some regular geometrical shape.

...the chessboard regularity of their fields.

11. (军队)常规的,常备的
      Regular troops are professional soldiers who are a permanent part of an official national army.


      e.g. Most schemes attempt to reduce the cost of defence through a smaller regular army...
      e.g. Only about a third of the reinforcements will be regular troops.

12. (语法中)按规则变化的,规则的
      In grammar, a regular verb, noun, or adjective inflects in the same way as most verbs, nouns, or adjectives in the language.

regular 单语例句

1. A call to Glencore's Baar office out of regular business hours wasn't answered.

2. JPMorgan could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

3. They could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

4. A spokesman for the New York Fed wasn't available for comment after regular business hours on Monday.

5. BP could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

6. A telephone message left with Kim's publicist after regular business hours was not immediately returned.

7. A spokesman for Harbinger wasn't available to comment outside of regular business hours.

8. The new millionaire said he was not a regular buyer of lottery tickets and had no secret for guessing the right numbers.

9. Getting to Beijing by Air is not difficult since there are regular flights linking the city to other countries in the world.

10. Regular readers should know by now that I'm passionate about food.


regular 英英释义



1. a garment size for persons of average height and weight

2. a regular patron

    e.g. an habitue of the racetrack
           a bum who is a Central Park fixture

    Synonym: habituefixture

3. a dependable follower (especially in party politics)

    e.g. he is one of the party regulars

4. a soldier in the regular army



1. in accord with regular practice or procedure

    e.g. took his regular morning walk
           her regular bedtime

2. not constipated

    Synonym: unconstipated

3. relating to a person who does something regularly

    e.g. a regular customer
           a steady drinker

    Synonym: steady

4. officially full-time

    e.g. regular students

5. not deviating from what is normal

    e.g. her regular bedtime

6. in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle

    e.g. his regular calls on his customers
           regular meals
           regular duties

7. (of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured
    volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula

8. (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces

    e.g. the regular army

9. conforming to a standard or pattern

    e.g. following the regular procedure of the legislature
           a regular electrical outlet

10. occurring at fixed intervals

    e.g. a regular beat
           the even rhythm of his breathing

    Synonym: even

11. regularly scheduled for fixed times

      e.g. at a regular meeting of the PTA
             regular bus departures

12. symmetrically arranged

      e.g. even features
             regular features
             a regular polygon

      Synonym: even

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