
rejuvenation是什么意思 rejuvenation在线翻译 rejuvenation什么意思 rejuvenation的意思 rejuvenation的翻译 rejuvenation的解释 rejuvenation的发音

rejuvenation [rɪˌdʒu:və'neɪʃn]  [rɪˌdʒu:və'neɪʃn] 

rejuvenation 基本解释

名词复壮; 回春; 返老还童; 恢复活力

rejuvenation 网络解释

1. 返老还童:4)返老还童(Rejuvenation)每好吧,这个魔法是只能用来做防守用的,但是谁会在意呢?它很可怕. 将它释放在一个被火力集中攻击的英雄身上,然后就可以尽情欣赏你的对手因看到那个英雄的血增长得比被打掉的速度快而尖叫的样子了.

2. 回春术:ouch),回春术(Rejuvenation),愈合(Regrowth)和宁静(Tranquility )的效果增加5%强化回春术:回春术(Rejuvenation)的效果增加15%强化圣光:圣光(Holy Light)的效果增加12%强化闪光:闪光(Flash of Light)的法力消耗减少12%强化治疗波:治疗波(Healing Wave)的施放时间减少0.5秒黄昏:增加治疗之泉图腾(Healing Stream Totem)持续时

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 回春:想要重建头发,传统上有三大类的方式: 重新分配(redistributi on回春 (rejuvenation) 以及再生(regeneration). 重新分配 也就是就是植发手术,医师藉由巧妙的手段把可用的毛囊散布在秃发的区域 回春 藉用局部(如minoxidil(Regaine))或口服的药物(如Prop...

4. 还童:返老还童(Rejuvenation) 持续恢复魔法,恢复量小,引起仇恨小. 初期属于鸡肋魔法,后期属于重要魔法. 在返老还童和愈合双重作用下的防御战士近乎于金刚不坏. 宁静(Tranquility) 范围恢复魔法,dru的招牌魔法.

rejuvenation 单语例句

1. He called on the staff members to make further efforts for the country's space program and the nation's rejuvenation.

2. Zhu said the government will conscientiously implement the strategy of national rejuvenation through science, technology and education and the strategy of sustainable development.

3. Given the factors holding back the growth of China's consumer finance market, what feasible solutions can we rely on for rejuvenation?

4. Actual and contracted investment increased by 78 and 40 per cent respectively in the region, where the central government is currently engaged in a strategy of rejuvenation.

5. The two sides of the Straits are destined to ultimate reunification in the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

6. The two sides of the Strait are bound to be reunified in the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

7. Events again proved that no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

8. Russia needed to court the United States as part of its national rejuvenation strategy, but Moscow learned that Washington was not dependable.

9. Fujian businesspeople stuck to the idea of " working hard and winning " and dedicated their diligence and wisdom to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

10. In an era when the global manufacturing pattern is undergoing drastic changes, the US'future competitive advantage will undoubtedly come from the rejuvenation of its manufacturing sector.

rejuvenation 英英释义


1. the act of restoring to a more youthful condition

2. the phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored

    e.g. the annual rejuvenation of the landscape

    Synonym: greening

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