
remainder是什么意思 remainder在线翻译 remainder什么意思 remainder的意思 remainder的翻译 remainder的解释 remainder的发音 remainder的同义词

remainder [rɪˈmeɪndə(r)]  [rɪˈmendɚ] 


remainder 基本解释

名词剩余物; 其他人员; 差数; 廉价出售的图书

及物动词廉价出售(书); 廉价出售

形容词剩余的; 留存下的

remainder 相关例句


1. I'll pay you a hundred dollars deposit and the remainder on delivery.

2. I will go ahead with three of you, and the remainder can wait here.

remainder 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 余数:CRC可以分为十六位元的CRC-16与三十二位元的CRC-32两种,前者使用十六位元的数字运算来产生一个CRC码,再将所收到的讯息除以二进位数字,所得到的余数(remainder)便是CRC码.

2. remainder的近义词

2. 余:在美国,许多的信托都规定,将信托投资的收益归于当前(current)受益人,而将本金等信托财产的剩余价值归于剩余(remainder)受益人. 例如,委托人约定将信托财产收益归于其配偶,而在其配偶死后将剩余财产都归于其子女. 这种做法流行的原因是多方面的,

3. remainder的反义词

3. 求余:就本书而言,儒略日期本章我们将给出计算指定年基督教复活节星期日(Easter Sunday)日期的方法- 注意如果所用的计算机语言没有模(modulo)或求余(remainder) 功能,则计算余数时必须这里还有一个质心力学时(TDB)和地球力学时(TDT)的区分.

remainder 词典解释

1. 剩余部分;剩余物;余下的人(或物)
    The remainder of a group are the things or people that still remain after the other things or people have gone or have been dealt with.


    e.g. He gulped down the remainder of his coffee...
    e.g. I spent the remainder of the day feeling terrible.

2. (算术中的)余数
    In arithmetic, the remainder is the amount that remains when one amount cannot be exactly divided by another. For example, if you divide 22 by 7, the answer is 3 and the remainder is 1.

3. (因为滞销而)廉价出售(图书)
    If a book is remaindered, it is sold at a reduced price because it has not been selling very well and will not be published again.

    e.g. It failed to sell and was soon remaindered.

4. 廉价销售的书
    A remainder is a book that has been remaindered.


remainder 单语例句

1. MLS spokesman Stephen Rodriguez said Galaxy general manager Alexi Lalas and coach Frank Yallop could try to buy out the remainder of Beckham's Real contract.

2. The remainder is held by two Hong Kong venture capital funds and senior managers of the unit.

3. The remainder have one more week to catch up, with the Chinese Spring Festival on Sunday set as the deadline.

4. There is the chance of showers on Sunday night and the clouds and rain are likely stick around for the remainder of the week.

5. When the clams were finished, the remainder made for a good dipping sauce.

6. The remainder is mostly used to make newsprint, as well as certain types of coated paper used in magazines and advertising catalogues.

7. The remainder of that evening was therefore given over to the unalloyed admiration of the lunar landscape all around us.

8. China Great Wall Industry Corp will build the satellite at a cost of $ 295 million, with the Bolivian state putting up the remainder of the funds.

9. The remainder was used for social welfare purposes, mainly for the social security fund to cover its deficit.

10. Her family ate half of it, and she placed the remainder in the cupboard.

remainder 英英释义


1. a piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold

    Synonym: endremnantoddment

2. the number that remains after subtraction
    the number that when added to the subtrahend gives the minuend

    Synonym: difference

3. the part of the dividend that is left over when the dividend is not evenly divisible by the divisor

4. something left after other parts have been taken away

    e.g. there was no remainder
           he threw away the rest
           he took what he wanted and I got the balance

    Synonym: balanceresidualresidueresiduumrest



1. sell cheaply as remainders

    e.g. The publisher remaindered the books

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