
report an emergency是什么意思 report an emergency在线翻译 report an emergency什么意思 report an emergency的意思 report an emergency的翻译

report an emergency

report an emergency 双语例句

1. report an emergency的意思

1. City and county people's government and relevant departments in the region of serious accidents may exist beyond the scope of its jurisdiction or responsibility, it should immediately have to bear the responsibility or the jurisdiction of the higher people's government or government department concerned; an emergency, it can be temporarily cut off immediately take including, business, emergency measures and reports; the higher people's government or government department concerned after receiving the report, must immediately investigate.

2. But from the annual report of YVR Wildlife Management. In 2007, we have 424 birds were killed in 137 bird-strikes with aircraft. It is lucky no plane crash related to the bird-strikes. There are two plane crash accidents still deep in my mind, 2007 October a small plane slammed into a high-rise building besides Richmond Public Market caused pilot death and 2 residents injured. Over 10 years ago, a cargo plane has an emergency landing on the Fraser River just off the Terra Nova at night. The pilot was rescued by two good citizens that jogging on the dyke.
    但两宗与飞鸟无关的坠机意外,仍然记亿尤新。2007年10月小型飞机撞入公众市场侧的多层大厦「玫瑰花园」,引致一人死亡,两人受伤,数百人一年以来有家归不得。10多年前,一架货机晚上急降Terra Nova以北的河道,两位刚在河堤上散步的好市民,跳下水中救出受伤的机师。

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The manager of our trip to HeYuZhen notch from accident has been uninterrupted time with the situation around, contact with all the other old, and actively and local leaders To do a detailed report, in the evening, we handle the good scene, and hurried county hospital, to visit our seriously injured several colleagues, properly arrange, temporary opened an emergency meeting, Verification for everybody, decided to continue to their destination.

4. B. I want to report an emergency!

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. I want to report an emergency!

6. B: I'd like to report an emergency!

7. The council members were summoned to hear an emergency report on its finances.

8. report an emergency的意思

8. The paper introduces a method that it can report an emergency signal and transmit This alarm signal is transmitted to main station when power supply lose electricity, and the maintenance method is introduced too.

9. report an emergency的意思

9. Stay off all telephones except to report an emergency.

10. report an emergency

10. Freeways have emergency call boxes at regular distances from where you can report an emergency or a breakdown. All freeways have right-most lane demarcated as the break-down lane. Stop your car in that lane. Never drive in that lane.

11. I want to report an emergency. There's a robbery in progress.

12. Article 31 With regard to any inspection and quarantine institution that fails to perform its duty of report according to the present Regulation, or conceals or delays the report or makes false reports of relevant information of an emergency or hints any other person to conceal, delay or make false reports, the major persons-in-charge and other direct liable persons shall be given an administrative sanction.

13. In February 1916, I received an instant order to report for duty to south Hampton. The emergency order rushed the men off their feet, and they had barely time to get their uniforms on before they were on the march to their destination.

14. report an emergency的意思

14. The sick man's condition changed for the worse. I want to report an emergency. There's a robbery in progress.

15. Article51if an accident occurred in the course of construction operation, construction enterprises shall take emergency measures to reduce casualties and losses resulting from the accident and immediately report to the departments concerned in accordance with relevant state regulations.

16. The enunciation in intercourse is bright, report is sensitive, abound the person of sense of humor is welcome, want such, want importantly to have power of meet an emergency.

17. report an emergency的翻译

17. Mr Hsieh called an emergency board meeting as soon as he heard of the muddy waters report.

18. When BTS breaks down, the computer terminal can detect malfunction in 5 minutes, then send out the audio visual alarm to report an emergency, and transmit the short message informing maintainers to process the correspondence failure.

report an emergency 单语例句

1. The report also said the country's emergency management capability was still challenged by " imbalanced development among different regions " and an " inadequate support system ".

2. The report said Tokyo is taking Beijing's suggestions for an emergency communication system positively and hopes to reach an agreement by year end.

3. Rice did not call for an emergency meeting of the Council, saying it should consider action after receiving an IAEA report by April 28.

4. He was later rushed to a nearby hospital after an emergency call from a passerby, the report said.

5. The police received a second report of a train having to make an emergency stop that afternoon because of two large rocks on the line.

6. Local traffic police received an emergency report, and successfully saved the stranded motorists.

7. If police officers receive an emergency report but are unclear where it came from, they will ask the sender to specify his location.

8. A warning system and an emergency response mechanism should be put in place, the report suggested.

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