
reproduction是什么意思 reproduction在线翻译 reproduction什么意思 reproduction的意思 reproduction的翻译 reproduction的解释 reproduction的发音

reproduction [ˌri:prəˈdʌkʃn]  [ˌriprəˈdʌkʃən] 


reproduction 基本解释

名词繁殖,生殖; 再生产,再现,[心]再生作用; 复制品

reproduction 网络解释

1. 再生:有利健康. 经验告诉我,功能越先进,只能带来官能刺激,音乐感却相对越少. CD音乐再生(reproduction)得好坏,取决于再生出来的音乐感的有多少,音乐感带来的舒服感觉,好比心灵上的穴位治疗,能舒缓压力带来的紧张情绪,有利健康.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 再现:简介: 再现(reproduction)记忆过程的一个环节. 又称重现、回忆. 经验过的事物又一次在头脑中浮现或行动上复做的过程. 如再现有随意与不随意之分. 不随意再现是由偶然的情景因素或个体一定的需要、情绪状态所引起 ...再现(reproduction)记忆过程的一个环节.

reproduction 词典解释

1. 复制品;仿制品
    A reproduction is a copy of something such as a piece of furniture or a work of art.

    e.g. ...a reproduction of a popular religious painting.
    e.g. ...high-quality reproduction furniture.

2. (声音的)录制
    Sound reproduction is the recording of sound onto tapes, CDs, or films so that it can be heard by a large number of people.

    e.g. ...the increasingly high technology of music reproduction.

reproduction 单语例句


1. The giant Mona Lisa reproduction has been named Dafen Lisa by the design team.

2. Defaulting tax rebates would deteriorate companies'capital flow and limit their capacities of reproduction and export.

3. To understand local married women's actual practice of contraceptive methods and reproduction health, the commission conducted a survey in June.

4. The summer heat makes bacteria reproduction very fast and food can be easily infected, increasing the chance of acute stomach and intestinal problems.

5. Apart from exposing how the rich circumvent China's family planning policy, the incident reflects the poor supervision of artificial reproduction laws.

6. While forbidding research on human cloning for reproduction purposes, it allows cloning on embryonic stem cells and remedial cloning.

7. The progress made in artificial reproduction technology has helped many couples become parents, but its commercial application has also created ethical and legal problems.

8. Scientists believe communal living is particularly beneficial to females because a ready food supply is crucial for successful reproduction.

9. We will mainly target young people to equip them with basic contraception methods and reproduction knowledge.

10. In any case, technologies for assisted reproduction cost thousands of dollars.

reproduction 英英释义


1. the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring

    Synonym: procreationbreedingfacts of life

2. the act of making copies

    e.g. Gutenberg's reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient

    Synonym: replication

3. copy that is not the original
    something that has been copied

    Synonym: replicareplication

4. recall that is hypothesized to work by storing the original stimulus input and reproducing it during recall

    Synonym: reproductive memory

5. the process of generating offspring

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