
resonate是什么意思 resonate在线翻译 resonate什么意思 resonate的意思 resonate的翻译 resonate的解释 resonate的发音 resonate的同义词

resonate [ˈrezəneɪt]  [ˈrɛzəˌnet] 


resonate 基本解释

不及物动词共鸣或共振; 回响


resonate 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 共振:当它们被拨弄时,会发出和谐的灵性音乐,而这样的和声(harmony)创造出的泛音(overtone)使其他的弦产生共振(resonate)或趋于静止(still). 而这些其他的弦可以是...工作、丰盛、解答及和平的意图等等. 让我稍微形容一下小武的生活.

2. 共鸣:这黑暗与光明混合的新的梦,与地球母亲进化回归的大中央太阳(the Great Central Sun)有著深深的共鸣(resonate). 我当初应该先上昇进入这种混合的「新梦(new dream)」,那么我也就不会制造出滞留我身后的黑暗梦了!也许如此一来,

3. 谐振、调谐:Resistance 阻力、电阻 :.g/=Q(T~ | Resonate 谐振、调谐 &qXobJRM | Response 响应 i_*yS+Z;

4. 谐振:resonant 共振的 | resonate 谐振 | resonator cavity 谐振腔

resonate 词典解释

1. 发出嘹亮的声音;回响;回荡
    If something resonates, it vibrates and produces a deep, strong sound.

    e.g. The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.

2. 有特殊意义;引起共鸣
    You say that something resonates when it has a special meaning or when it is particularly important to someone.

    e.g. London is confident and alive, resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city.

resonate 单语例句

1. Some Republicans agreed that the debate over a greater government role in health care will resonate far beyond Capitol Hill this week.

2. Comments from Li resonate in Asia and in Hong Kong, where he's known as " Superman " for his investment acumen.

3. Again, my attempts at conveying an intimate knowledge of Chinese culture failed to resonate with her.

4. Further positioning of Ping An's online insurance brand may also require mass media advertising, perhaps with a touch of humor to resonate with the younger generation.

5. " We think it will resonate for all Americans, " he said.

6. Whether the video will resonate on the Arab or Muslim street is not at all clear.

7. Experience the highland winds Appreciate the floating clouds and pastoral songs that resonate across the grasslands.

8. The mixture of herbs contributes to infinite and amazing flavors that resonate in your palate, and each combination produces a different sensation.

9. The functions of the body is to resonate and amplify the vibrations of the strings.

10. It was not clear how much the tape's inflammatory message would resonate with ordinary Iraqis, who suffered under Saddam's brutal rule for decades.

resonate 英英释义


1. be received or understood

    Synonym: come across

2. sound with resonance

    e.g. The sound resonates well in this theater

    Synonym: vibrate

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