
retail是什么意思 retail在线翻译 retail什么意思 retail的意思 retail的翻译 retail的解释 retail的发音 retail的同义词 retail的反义词 retail的例句

retail [ˈri:teɪl]  [ˈri:teɪl] 


retail 基本解释


及物动词零售; 零卖; 转述; 传播



retail 反义词


retail 相关例句


1. The retail price of the dress is 60 dollars.


1. They didn't sell their goods retail.


1. He intends to retail textile goods.


1. These shoes retail at 10 yuan a pair.

retail 网络解释

1. 零售版:百度首发Windows 7 Pro 简体中文专业版 正版序列号 Cdkey ,是正式零售 版(Retail)序列号,您可以激活任一语言版本的Windows 7 Pro 专业版(32位系统和64位系统序列号通用) ,本序列号既可以网络激活又可以电话激活.

2. 零售业:为了满足这一需求,企业不得不调整客户服务驱动...零售业(Retail)与电子商务(E-Commerce)的结合出现RE-Commerce,这意味着传统零售业将面临一场数字变革.

3. 零售商:目前,国内的店面模式是一种零售商(retail)的经营模式,其机制与零售店很像,人员的流动性是这种形式的特点,在一定含义上讲是最大限度地保护公司的根本利益的方式.

retail 词典解释

The pronunciation is /'riːteɪl/ for meanings 1 to 3, and /riː'teɪl/ for meaning 4. 义项1到3读作/'riːteɪl/。义项4读作/riː'teɪl/。

1. 零售;零卖
    Retail is the activity of selling goods direct to the public, usually in small quantities.

    e.g. ...retail stores...
    e.g. Retail sales grew just 3.8 percent last year.

2. 以零售方式
    If something is sold retail, it is sold in ordinary shops direct to the public.

3. (以…价格)零售,零卖
    If an item in a shop retails at or for a particular price, it is on sale at that price.


    e.g. It originally retailed at £23.50.

4. (热情而详细地)讲述;详述
    If someone retails a story or event, they tell it to someone else, often in detail and in an exciting way.


    e.g. Mr Hastings gleefully retailed the story to Mr Anderson over lunch.

retail 单语例句

1. But not all banks deciding to register as a local entity are aiming at retail business.

2. China is set to open its retail yuan business to overseas banks on December 11 under its World Trade Organization commitment.

3. Since the fifth anniversary of China's entry to the World Trade Organization, deregulation has allowed foreign banks to engage in retail business worth $ 2 trillion annually.

4. The retail expansion is part of Microsoft's strategy to move its business beyond software into hardware and other areas.

5. Statistics indicate that local consumers contributed to four fifth of the overall retail business volume in Hong Kong.

6. He expected growth of retail business this year would be higher than that of 2011.

7. It's a smart way of shopping as it allows masses of Internet users to group together and buy products at retail cost.

8. Customers can buy the new iPhone at Apple's online store and seven retail stores, resellers and stores of mobile operators China Unicom and China Telecom.

9. Customers can buy the new iPhone at Apple's online store and seven retail stores, resellers and stores of China Unicom and China Telecom mobile operators.

10. Customers in the US could shop and buy the device anywhere they are and pick up their purchase at any Apple retail store.


retail 英英释义



1. the selling of goods to consumers
    usually in small quantities and not for resale



1. sell on the retail market

2. be sold at the retail level

    e.g. These gems retail at thousands of dollars each



1. at a retail price

    e.g. I'll sell it to you retail only

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