
rifle是什么意思 rifle在线翻译 rifle什么意思 rifle的意思 rifle的翻译 rifle的解释 rifle的发音 rifle的同义词 rifle的反义词 rifle的例句

rifle [ˈraɪfl]  [ˈraɪfəl] 


rifle 基本解释


名词步枪; 来福枪

及物/不及物动词快速搜寻; 匆忙翻找 ; 偷窃; 盗取

rifle 网络解释

1. 来复"枪:56mm来复枪(Rifle)的袭击排量4. 6L的V型8缸引擎,除特制的弹簧及减震装置(ShockAbsorber)外,还加强了低臂(LowerArm)、支架及制动器. 车身尺寸为长5480×宽1986×高1498mm,轴距为2990mm. 车重3400kg,比原型车重1400kg左右

2. 来福:(539 字)搭配的风扇采用了来福(RIFLE)轴承,和传统的含油轴承相比,来福轴承拥有更低的噪音和更长的运行寿命. 目前这款产品仅售69元,有兴趣的朋友可以去武汉海光科技看看.

rifle 词典解释

1. 来复枪;步枪
    A rifle is a gun with a long barrel.

    e.g. They shot him at point blank range with an automatic rifle...
    e.g. Neighbours heard the sound of rifle fire and alerted the police.

2. 快速翻找;搜寻
    If you rifle through things or rifle them, you make a quick search among them in order to find something or steal something.


    e.g. I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet...
    e.g. The men rifled through his clothing and snatched the wallet...

rifle 单语例句

1. Witnesses said Kantar smashed the little girl's head against a rock and crushed her skull with a rifle butt.

2. Morris said that shooting involved a different caliber of rifle than the other three attacks, but that authorities weren't ruling out a possible connection.

3. Oh's rifle and one empty cartridge were found nearby, the statement said.

4. Czech Republic Olympic rifle shooter Katerina Emmons said winning the first gold Olympic Games medal mattered less to her than her family life.

5. Another world champion Zhang Fu became another casualty in the day's shooting, losing to Liu Gang in the men's 50m rifle 3 positions.

6. Hawkins opened fire with a rifle at a Nebraska department store, killing eight people and wounding five before taking his own life.

7. The deputy used his pistol until it either jammed or ran out of bullets, then discarded the gun and began firing with his tactical rifle.

8. Du Li wipes her eyes as she is congratulated by her coach after she won the women's 10m air rifle gold medal with 502 points.

9. The video then showed a group of hostages lying face down and being shot by a man using an automatic rifle.

10. Liu entered the men's 10m air rifle final as top finisher from the qualifications with 598 points.

rifle 英英释义



1. a shoulder firearm with a long barrel and a rifled bore

    e.g. he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired



1. go through in search of something
    search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way

    e.g. Who rifled through my desk drawers?

    Synonym: go

2. steal goods
    take as spoils

    e.g. During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners

    Synonym: plunderdespoillootreavestripransackpillageforay

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