
riverside是什么意思 riverside在线翻译 riverside什么意思 riverside的意思 riverside的翻译 riverside的解释 riverside的发音 riverside的同义词

riverside [ˈrɪvəsaɪd]  [ˈrɪvərsaɪd] 

riverside 基本解释

名词河边,河畔; 沿河地段



riverside 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Let's go for a picnic by the riverside.

riverside 情景对话

Shopping Centers-(购物中心)


B:What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr. Taylor?


A:Call me John. This is a great area of the city for shopping. There’s a grocery store just around the corner.


B:What about things other than food?

A:Well, the Riverside Mall has 200 stores in it, including four major department stores.

B:Are there small shops near here as well?


A:Yes, on 4th street, near the movie theater there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques.


B:Well, that sounds just wonderful.

A:Yes, it’s a really nice neighborhood.

Sales-((折扣) 出售)

B:There’s a big sale on clothes and sporting goods at Riverside Mall.

A:Sporting goods? Is that bike Tim wanted on sale?

B:Yeah, it’s 30 percent off the regular price.


A:Well, maybe we could get it now and hide it until his birthday.

B:Yeah, it’s a couple weeks away, and we don’t have anything yet.


A:Don’t buy him underwear again. He hates that.

B:I know, I know, but if I didn’t buy it for him, he’d never buy it.

A:See anything else we need there?

B:Well, all shoes are 20 percent off.

A:Shoes? You already have a closet full of shoes.


B:I know, but another pair can’t hurt.

A:Oh, all right. I need some new shirts, too. Let’s go after breakfast.

riverside 网络解释

1. 河畔:最早想到举办一次扑克锦标邀请赛的是内华达州里诺 (Reno) 河畔 (Riverside) 赌场的汤姆.莫亥德 (Tom Morehead),他将其称作世界扑克系列赛. 尽管在历史上,莫亥德没有比尼恩有名,但我们永远不应忽视他对这项游戏做出的贡献. 不管怎样,

2. 河边:据跟踪房地产信息的快讯公司(MDA Data Quick)的统计,包含洛杉矶、橘郡(OrangeCounty)、圣伯纳地诺(San Bernardino)、文杜拉(Ventura)、河边(Riverside)及圣地亚哥等六个郡7月的房屋交易量与去年同期相比,都有20%左右的成长.

riverside 词典解释

1. 河边;河畔;河岸
    The riverside is the area of land by the banks of a river.


    e.g. They walked back along the riverside.
    e.g. ...a riverside café

riverside 单语例句


1. Fulham has just announced plans for a splendid new riverside stand that will substantially increase the capacity of Craven Cottage.

2. The fashion caravan rolls into Shanghai bringing with it a huge white tent which is set up in the riverside area in Pudong.

3. The city was first entertained by a carnival in 2003 along Pudong's riverside Lujiazui area, and fun fairs have returned to Shanghai every summer since.

4. The ancient town is famous for its beautiful riverside scenery, classically styled buildings and rich culture of local ethnic minority groups.

5. The area is dotted with riverside settlements and islands, and boats are the most common mode of transport.

6. Granite hills and granite forests formed by erosion and weathering along the riverside are a direct contrast with the soft water views.

7. Wandering around the riverside and breathing in the coolness of a summer night, Zhang no longer feels he is floating in the city.

8. With an improved investment environment and its advantageous riverside location, the city is set to be one of the country's most prosperous areas.

9. Riverside County District Attorney's spokesman John Hall said prosecutors determined there was insufficient evidence to pursue a misdemeanor battery case against the actress.

10. The animated version of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival will be shown in Taiwan again later this month and Singapore in December.

riverside 英英释义


1. the bank of a river

    Synonym: riverbank

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