
romping是什么意思 romping在线翻译 romping什么意思 romping的意思 romping的翻译 romping的解释 romping的发音 romping的同义词 romping的反义词

romping ['rɒmpɪŋ]  ['rɒmpɪŋ] 


romping 基本解释

嬉戏喧闹的,乱蹦乱闹的;嬉笑玩闹( romp的现在分词 );轻易获胜;

romping 网络解释

1. romping的反义词

1. 嬉戏喧闹的:romper 嬉戏者 | romping 嬉戏喧闹的 | rompingly 嬉戏喧闹地

2. 含粉紅色珍珠星塵的洋紅色:YOGURT 柔和的淡粉紅色 | ROMPING 含粉紅色珍珠星塵的洋紅色 | 晶燦眼線液 GLITTER EYE LINER NT$ 650

romping 双语例句

1. I found the general romping in the living room with his five children.

2. We can see the puppies romping around in the garden.

3. She's a romping girl.

4. Are you romping and feeling good: or are you feeling guilty when you eat?

5. romping

5. You aren't very reasonable if you expect your children to stop romping about.

6. Romping away with the title in 2001, his first full season.

7. The children were romping about on the lawn.

8. romping的近义词

8. Toddlers play finger games, clapping games, skipping, romping and running games.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. As the streams slow down in their course, you can see the fish romping in the swirling water.

10. Building sandcastles in the buff, romping on tiger skin rugs, or starting pillow fights, beauties of every tress are captured in these timeless color photographs.

11. Your desires are romping, and the more you deal with your resistance, the faster your desires will go. And the faster your desires go without resistance, the better you feel.

12. Romp顽皮嬉戏, 例句: The old man was romping in the courtyard with his grandsons.

13. So again, you have them exploiting some serious issues, allowing people to watch a bunch of topless women romping around playing archery and stuff like that.

14. But the impressiveness of the situation quickly wore off, and the romping began again.

15. The online videos` scenes of alpacas happily romping to the Disney -style sounds of a children`s chorus quickly turn shocking — then, to many Chinese, hilarious — as it becomes clear that the songs fairly burst with disgusting language.

16. The online videos` scenes of alpacas happily romping to the Disney -style sounds of a children`s chorus quickly turn shocking — then, to many Chinese, hilarious — as it becomes clear that the songs fairly burst with disgusting language...

17. romping在线翻译

17. The online videos` scenes of alpacas happily romping to the Disney-style sounds of a children`s chorus quickly turn shocking — then, to many Chinese, hilarious — as it becomes clear that the songs fairly burst with disgusting language.

18. romping是什么意思

18. Often the only place you can see animals romping and frolicking in dense cities

19. Knut was no longer the cuddly little teddy bear romping with a soccer ball, but a245-pound eating machine.

20. It was then they recognized that what they had assumed was puppy playfulness heinz's pushing and tugging at tex while romping with him actually had a purpose.

romping 单语例句

1. A cameraman claims to have a video of Madonna and baseball player Alex Rodriguez romping on a sofa.

2. Donna Karan's DKNY collection saw models romping the runway in turquoise florals and cherry reds.

3. Visitors can spend hours trekking, hiking and romping through the mountain forest.

4. In one scene in the new movie " Black Dahlia " Johansson and Hartnett are seen romping on a kitchen table.

5. But Schiavone was unable to keep up the momentum and Rubin secured the set with a single break before romping away in the third.

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