
roof是什么意思 roof在线翻译 roof什么意思 roof的意思 roof的翻译 roof的解释 roof的发音 roof的同义词 roof的反义词 roof的例句 roof的相关词组

roof [ru:f]  [ruf,rʊf] 


roof 基本解释

名词屋顶,房屋; 最高部,顶部; 最高限度; 口腔顶部

及物动词给…盖顶; 覆盖; 保护,庇护

roof 反义词


roof 相关词组


1. raise the roof : 喧闹;

2. hit the roof : 大怒;

roof 相关例句


1. They roofed the house with tiles.


1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. There is a cat on our roof.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. All sorts of people found shelter under his roof.

roof 网络解释

1. 车顶:1)多功能:在现有CD/DVDRadio的基础上增加后座显示终端,车顶(Roof)显示终端,具有双视角或三视角显示器,Bluetooth电话免提,语音识别,通信总线和系统诊断等功能,越来越多样化.

2. 屋檐:并通过顶针式设计解决了支点在岩壁上转动的问题;从形态上,从原来简单的直壁(Vertical),俯角(Overhang)、屋檐(Roof)基础上出现了斜坡(Slab)、夹角(Open-book)、烟囱(Chimney)、裂缝(Crack)、石柱(Pillar)等不同形状,

3. 房顶:一个农奴(serf)从海湾(gulf)来到房顶(roof)上,有了证据(proof)最重要(chief),增加了信仰(belief), 加上-s成对成双. (说明直接加s)

roof 词典解释

The plural can be pronounced /ruːfs/ or /ruːvz/. 复数可以读作 /ruːfs/ 或 /ruːvz/

1. 房顶;屋顶
    The roof of a building is the covering on top of it that protects the people and things inside from the weather.

    e.g. ...a small stone cottage with a red slate roof...
    e.g. A pail stood in one corner of the room to catch the drips where the roof leaked.

2. 顶篷;车顶;车篷
    The roof of a car or other vehicle is the top part of it, which protects passengers or goods from the weather.

    e.g. The car rolled onto its roof, trapping him.

3. 口腔顶部;上腭
    The roof of your mouth is the highest part of the inside of your mouth.


    e.g. She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

4. (洞穴、矿井等的)顶部
    The roof of an underground space such as a cave or mine is the highest part of it.


    e.g. The cave roof collapsed.

5. (价格、通货膨胀率等)猛增,飞涨
    If the level of something such as the price of a product or the rate of inflation goes through the roof, it suddenly increases very rapidly indeed.

    e.g. Prices for Korean art have gone through the roof.

6. 怒气冲天;大发雷霆;暴跳如雷
    If you hit the roof or go through the roof, you become very angry indeed, and usually show your anger by shouting at someone.

    e.g. Sergeant Long will hit the roof when I tell him you've gone off.

7. 住处;家
    If you have a roof over your head, you have somewhere to live.

    e.g. I am just thankful that we have a roof over our heads.

8. (在屋内)喧闹,喧嚣,大闹翻天
    If a group of people inside a building raise the roof, they make a very loud noise, for example by singing or shouting.

    e.g. He raised the roof at the conference when he sang his own version of the socialist anthem, The Red Flag.

9. 同在一个屋檐下;在同一栋大楼里
    If a number of things or people are under one roof or under the same roof, they are in the same building.

    e.g. The firms intend to open either together under one roof or alongside each other in shopping malls...
    e.g. While his relations with his mother were reasonably satisfactory, having her living under the same roof was a totally different matter!

10. 在…的家里
      If something happens under your roof, it happens in your home.


      e.g. Lionel has forbidden her ever to mention that name again under his roof.

roof 单语例句

1. Police said by setting off fireworks for half an hour from the roof of his building Xu had breached the city's ban.

2. He calmly chested it down and smashed it over Given's attempted block and into the roof of the net.

3. The room is made like a bus carriage and visitors can hold a handle hanging down from the roof when the simulated quake begins.

4. The lift was carrying the guests to the roof of a recently completed exhibition hall and had been used for construction materials.

5. A steel roof covers stalls of rugs, children's suits and cassette ghetto blasters.

6. The stone walls of the capital's cathedral withstood the storm, but the entire roof had caved in.

7. A narrow shaft of sunlight streamed through a small opening in the cave roof giving the water an unearthly quality.

8. A stick of dynamite exploded on the roof of a miners union office, causing the roof to cave in.

9. An area next to the wine cellar has a super high roof and is good for holding a party or special event.

10. The bar's interior is spacious and modern, with exposed metal beams beneath a cement roof lending an industrial yet sophisticated edge.

roof 英英释义


1. a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building

2. protective covering on top of a motor vehicle

3. an upper limit on what is allowed

    e.g. he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him
           there was a roof on salaries
           they established a cap for prices

    Synonym: ceilingcap

4. the inner top surface of a covered area or hollow space

    e.g. the roof of the cave was very high
           I could see the roof of the bear's mouth


1. provide a building with a roof
    cover a building with a roof

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