
rosebush是什么意思 rosebush在线翻译 rosebush什么意思 rosebush的意思 rosebush的翻译 rosebush的解释 rosebush的发音 rosebush的同义词

rosebush ['rəʊzbʊʃ]  ['roʊzˌbʊʃ] 

rosebush 基本解释



rosebush 网络解释

1. 蔷薇:12.丁香---------lilac | 13.蔷薇---------- rosebush | 14.郁金香--------- tulip

2. 蔷薇花:chrysanthemum 菊花 | rosebush 蔷薇花 | marigold 金盏花

3. rosebush什么意思

3. 蔷薇灌木; 玫瑰丛 (名):rosebud 蔷薇花蕾, 妙龄少女 (名) | rosebush 蔷薇灌木; 玫瑰丛 (名) | rosemary 迷迭香 (名)

rosebush 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Besides the leisure facilities setting in the Suspending structure, we design the sports facilities for the old, children, and down-ward three-person basketball court, badminton court, area for gymnastic apparatus, green fense and rosebush separated each other, so as to reduce any possible interference and provide a profuse space for sports.

2. The rosebush'Manou Meilland'is very reflowering and very sturdy.
    蔷薇丛' Manou Meilland '是reflowering 和非常坚决。

3. rosebush的解释

3. Many a fascicle rosebush grow around the weald, the first flower bloomed in deep fink and sends out strong fragrance.

4. Morning, walking in pine forest, I found a hank of rosebush which was deserted near the avenue.

5. The rosebush is putting out new shoots.

6. Soon after it was planted, the rosebush began to branch out.

7. We transplanted the rosebush into the back garden.

8. When my mother came from England, she brought one tiny part of her favorite rosebush.

9. All fatally the sweet fragrance given out by the bloody rosebush, as a nightmare, bloomed right in his palm.

10. That rosebush seems to be thriving.

11. The rosebush has overgrown its support.

12. rosebush的解释

12. China is the main distribution area of the rose-category plants, and China's wild rosebush contributes great to the modern China rose.

13. rosebush

13. I carry these rosebush back to home, i want to find one bottle to keep them.

14. Do you think the new rosebush has taken root?

15. One year we decided to buy a rosebush.

16. There is a rosebush near the fence it is very beautiful.

17. Looking for preexist love in dream, I must be the gentle rosebush girl, throwing off deep fragrance, with kind heart and pure dreams. Roaming in the remote alleyway, I looked back with breeze blowing my hair. It is the glance that destines the thousand-year appointment. It is a-cup time meet that destines lifetime love.

rosebush 英英释义



1. any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses

    Synonym: rose

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