
round up是什么意思 round up在线翻译 round up什么意思 round up的意思 round up的翻译 round up的解释 round up的发音 round up的同义词

round up [raund ʌp]  [raʊnd ʌp] 

round up 基本解释

使聚拢,围捕; 积攒; 综述; 兜抄

round up 相关例句


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. We rounded up some friends to play poker and drink beer.

2. After the murder, the police rounded up a few suspects.

3. Round up a few friends to help you.

round up 网络解释

1. 上舍入:在SQL Server 2000中浮点数值的数据采用上舍入(Round up)的方式进行存储,也就是说,要舍入的小数部分不论其大小,只要是一个非零的数,就要在该数字的最低有效位上加1,并进行必要的进位.

2. 集合:句子意思完整.其中一些题目选自于教材每课后的词汇(Vocabulary)及句法(Structure)练习以及网络课程讲解例句(共30题,每题1分).老师正吃力地(have a hard time)把孩子们集合(round up)起来带回(bring back)教室.我被他们互相矛盾(opposite)的意见搞糊涂了,

3. 舍入:在SQL Server 2000中浮点数值的数据采用上舍入(Round up)的方式进行存储,也就是说,要舍入的小数部分不论其大小,只要是一个非零的数,就要在该数字的最低有效位上加1,并进行必要的进位.

4. 收集,集合:round off (园满)完成 | round up 收集,集合 | rub away 擦掉;磨去

round up 词典解释

1. 围捕;逮捕
    If the police or army round up a number of people, they arrest or capture them.

    e.g. The police rounded up a number of suspects...
    e.g. She says the patrolmen rounded them up at the village school and beat them with rifle butts.

2. 使聚拢;使聚集
    If you round up animals or things, you gather them together.


    e.g. He had sought work as a cowboy, rounding up cattle...
    e.g. We've rounded up a selection of products.

3. see also: round 2;roundup

round up 单语例句

1. Deng said the bureau has 45 rabies clinics that open round the clock for any dog injury emergencies and is planning to set up more.

2. Local governments set up special teams to work round the clock for emergencies during the festival period.

3. The pace of construction for the 2008 Beijing Olympics has stepped up, with some key projects now running round the clock during the traditional Spring Festival.

4. The Asian Games silver medallist had a tough first set before quickly wrapping up the second to join compatriot Wang Chen in the next round.

5. The Detroit Pistons followed up three lackluster quarters with a dominant fourth, earning the defending NBA champions a spot in the second round.

6. So they set up fire nets round the building and disposed artillery and missiles there.

7. If their combined impact more than outweighs the initial contractionary effect of expenditure cuts, then the economy may well pick up after a round of fiscal tightening.

8. The Federal Reserve launched its latest round of quantitative easing by buying $ 600 billion in government bonds to prop up the ailing US economy.

9. Reports say that other foreign milk brands are mulling to follow up, which analysts expect will drive the milk industry to a new round of price pushing.

10. Supply shortages are causing another round of price rises for agriculture products, for instance those which make up essential daily food.

round up 英英释义


1. seek out and bring together

    e.g. round up some loyal followers

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