
rounding是什么意思 rounding在线翻译 rounding什么意思 rounding的意思 rounding的翻译 rounding的解释 rounding的发音 rounding的同义词

rounding [ˈraʊndɪŋ]  ['raʊndɪŋ] 


rounding 基本解释




rounding 网络解释

1. 舍入:即:程序一开始就确定的字符串,数字或表.这些数据可以被更进一步分为一个初始数据段,或仅仅是空的,当程序加载时这些保留的空间被操作系统初始化为0.舍入(rounding)函数(ceil,floor)我们使用一整型变量(argc)在内存里将用户输入的参数定位,

2. rounding

2. 环绕振荡:什么是振荡(ringing)和 环绕振荡(rounding) 振荡的现象是反复出现过冲和下冲. 信号的振荡和环绕振荡由线上过度的电感 和电容引起,振荡属于欠阻尼状态而环绕振荡属于过阻尼状态. 信号完整性问题通 常发生在周期信号中,如时钟等,

3. 四舍五入:显然,这组记录只能采用四舍五入(Rounding)的方式得到. 显然,百分比的数字部分总是在[0, 100]之间,而且允许小数存在;文件数则总是一个整数. 但是在KAV的运行界面上,百分比总是显示为一个整数. 要得到这个整数,可以用四舍五入(Rounding)的方式,

rounding 单语例句

1. And rounding out the company are the remaining crew and cast of the movie.

2. What followed were three wars in which $ 50 billion amounts to a rounding error.

3. He then swerved past two more defenders before rounding the keeper to score from a tight angle.

4. These patterns also appear in commodity markets with a rounding top pattern currently appearing in London Metal Exchange copper.

5. Rounding off the top five was another pregnant beauty, former glamour model Jordan.

6. JZ School music director Laurence Ku will be rounding off the night at the JZ Club with The Laurence Ku Septet.

7. He had said his game was rounding into form, with putting the final piece for it all to come together.

8. Initially tentative Australian troops seemed to be getting tougher Monday, rounding up gangs of youths and arresting ringleaders.

9. This target takes the width of the rounding top pattern, but it starts the projection from the 5000 support level.

10. Both sides have been furiously rounding up support for their positions, obtaining " proxy " voting rights from shareholders.

rounding 英英释义


1. (mathematics) a miscalculation that results from rounding off numbers to a convenient number of decimals

    e.g. the error in the calculation was attributable to rounding
           taxes are rounded off to the nearest dollar but the rounding error is surprisingly small

    Synonym: rounding error

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