
royalty是什么意思 royalty在线翻译 royalty什么意思 royalty的意思 royalty的翻译 royalty的解释 royalty的发音 royalty的同义词 royalty的反义词

royalty [ˈrɔɪəlti]  [ˈrɔɪəlti] 


royalty 基本解释

名词版税; 王族成员; 王位,王权; 堂皇,庄严


royalty 相关例句


1. royalty的解释

1. The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy of his book.

royalty 网络解释

1. royalty的意思

1. 版税:和通常认知相悖的是,版税(Royalty)与授权费(licensefee)之争在IP核销售中不是主要障碍. 供应商要么有能够让客户愿意支付版税的IP核,要么没有. 冲突在采购流程里就已经解决了.

2. royalty是什么意思

2. 专利税:研究表明,为了激励技术转让方传播知识,转让合同中必须包含一个专利税(royalty)或产品提成条款,否则技术转让方没有激励去传播专门知识. [著者文摘]

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 权利金:南亚科与美国DRAM大厂美光科技合资的12吋厂亚美科技,预计明年首季就将开出1万片月产能,但美光表示,2009至2010年这2年内,亚美得支付美光约1.92亿美元技转授权金(License Fee),权利金(Royalty)亦得视产能开出程度另外支付.

royalty 词典解释

1. 王室;皇族
    The members of royal families are sometimes referred to as royalty .

    e.g. Royalty and government leaders from all around the world are gathering in Japan.
    e.g. ...a ceremony attended by royalty.

2. (作家、音乐家等的)版税
    Royalties are payments made to authors and musicians when their work is sold or performed. They usually receive a fixed percentage of the profits from these sales or performances.


    e.g. I lived on about £3,000 a year from the royalties on my book.

3. (发明、创意、财产等的)使用费
    Payments made to someone whose invention, idea, or property is used by a commercial company can be referred to as royalties .

    e.g. The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business.

royalty 单语例句

1. Holding the event in Toronto was a strategic move as India's cinematic royalty makes a bid for a piece of the North American box office.

2. In Chinese traditions, black and yellow are the colors of royalty.

3. The development marks the latest step in the occasionally contentious effort to impose a royalty regime on the nation's karaoke bars.

4. The development marks the latest step in the contentious effort to impose a royalty regime on the nation's karaoke bars.

5. KTV operators can secure a copyright access license after paying royalty fees.

6. The soccer star has named his dream dinner party line up, and sided with royalty and political leaders over actors or musicians.

7. She had even picked out a dress to wear by the time she pulled out, adding she planned to look like royalty for her big day.

8. On Sunday he thanked his Italian wife Livia for putting up with his " fleeting delusions of royalty " while filming.

9. A world wide distribution of their performances could be considered a form of free advertising, but let's be generous and pay the performers a reasonable royalty.

10. Royalty from South Africa's many tribes gathered yesterday to witness the grandson of former president Nelson Mandela reclaim the family's position as traditional leaders.

royalty 英英释义



1. royal persons collectively

    e.g. the wedding was attended by royalty

    Synonym: royal familyroyal lineroyal house

2. payment to the holder of a patent or copyright or resource for the right to use their property

    e.g. he received royalties on his book

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