
sad and painful是什么意思 sad and painful在线翻译 sad and painful什么意思 sad and painful的意思 sad and painful的翻译 sad and painful的解释

sad and painful

sad and painful 双语例句

1. Very pain seizes and grabs each inch of nerve and stuffing each quoin in soul. I even forget why I am sad, why I am painful and why I am running.

2. sad and painful

2. Do not let the human who you like be extremely sad and painful!

3. Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful.
    Those天当我们一起出现在我心中一次又一次地,因为他们是如此快乐,幸福,blest ,令人失望,悲伤和痛苦。

4. I will leave you one day Dear, you know, one day I will leave you, dear Please do not blame me, and I'll have, but in doing so I really, I can not unfilial, my parents did not raise so much easier, I do not want to see You are suffering in this matter, my dear, I look at you so sad, painful way, and my heart is bleeding, but chose to leave, we have chosen to give up this situation, that as long pain short pain, Burenxinkan you really so sad, painful, and you really Taishou, can not withstand such torment, my dear, I hate not strange heart, and, When everything is on I do not alright
    先谢谢各位了,要是答案满意的话,还会有加分哦 ^-^ 亲爱的,你清楚,我总有一天会离开你,亲爱的请不要怪我,我也有不舍,但是我真的得这么做,我不能不孝,爸妈把我养这么大不容易,我不想看着你在为这事痛苦了,亲爱的,我看着你这么伤心、痛苦的样子,我的心也在滴血,只好选择离开,选择放弃我们这段情,都说长痛不如短痛,真的不忍心看你这么伤心、痛苦了,你真的太瘦了,不能在经受这种折磨了,亲爱的,不要怪我恨心、、、就当一切都是我不好吧

5. Let me such a painful and sad.

6. sad and painful的近义词

6. In the sad and painful time, you have to learn how to use an alternative vision to see the world.

7. Then go to someplace where it's painful and sad.

8. We always wanted to bring his tale into the story, but it would have been to sad, and painful.

9. I will go to a different place where there isn't you. i will forget you totally, then I won't be sad and painful.

10. sad and painful的意思

10. To tell the truth, see the news, unfortunately, very sad and even very painful.

11. [p=30, 2, left]Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful.

12. When we all get old, Xintao`s paintings will remain as memory that can bring all of us back to the old days, be it remembering when we stand together at the cross road feeling lonely and sad, or be it when we stand at a dark street in a county of 90`s or early millennium, feeling painful, inadequate, loss, childish, romantic, Nave or ridiculous.

13. Divorce is terribly sad, painful and incomprehensible for children.

14. There is no good results made us the truth, the two eventually broke up, the total abalone and friends to go out there to fool around, and his wife left for her daughter's painful and sad.

15. sad and painful

15. Although, I have hurt them, that they are sad and painful.

16. I much think of, make the mother see strong of I; Much think of, show younger brother elder brother to his model; Much think of, certificate oneself has already grow up, ,, , ,, But the all theses all have no way, my station doesn't get up, in the moment learn fog not to know when can spread go to, remind of an affair to promise to see a younger brother, the younger brother will can not find me, make impassability my telephone call, he will become nervous, I am good friends with a good rest, I rest a short while again get up, open eyes this time although had no fan fog have another is numerous starses, younger brother, I love you, not and clearly isn't my now will bring you very big of harm painful, I know very much that he will be sad for me and shed tears, I more clear, he is still a big kid who has no me, he how face now, speak to him all same for a minute sad in a year.

17. Those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because tehy were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful...

sad and painful 单语例句

1. " It's too sad to even look at my hands and too painful to straighten them, " Chen says.

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