
saleable是什么意思 saleable在线翻译 saleable什么意思 saleable的意思 saleable的翻译 saleable的解释 saleable的发音 saleable的同义词

saleable [ˈseɪləbl]  [ˈseləbəl] 

saleable 基本解释


saleable 网络解释

1. 畅销的:sale-ring 拍卖购买人 | saleable 畅销的 | Salem 塞伦

2. saleable

2. 好销售:好销路:good market | 好销售:saleable | 优质:prime quality

3. 易卖的 (形):salary 薪资, 薪水, 工资 (名) | saleable 易卖的 (形) | Salem 塞伦; 撒冷 (名)

saleable 双语例句

1. saleable是什么意思

1. The product that is just like factory production needs to be saleable satisfy the need, the graduate that the university fosters also wants can base oneself upon at the society, have the capacity of earn one's own living.

2. First, the construction area and the saleable area of confusion substitution.

3. saleable什么意思

3. I live in the 2nd floor, the saleable area of 80 at home a few square meters, the day waiting for the results from the scarf version of Friends, has been into the Congfangjianli The first floor.

4. A: I think there is a danger of us cartooning ourselves to be saleable to an American audience.

5. It can be directly rolled into steel products.

6. As for hot and saleable goods, we generally do not offer an y

7. In this case, the goods are of saleable quality, so a refund is out of the question.

8. Sports wears, no less than suits, are very much saleable.

9. saleable的意思

9. Are generally classed as the producers only of books, or other useable or saleable articles, which directly''.

10. saleable

10. Are generally classed as the producers only of books, or other useable or saleable articles, which directly emanate from them.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. T: Arrow was world famous trademark and and it was also our competitor. I asked him why he wanted to sell Arrow shirt. He said Arrow shirts were saleable. I asked him whether my shirt was not saleable? He dared not reply. Then I requested him to display one shirt of mine among the two hundred (200) shirts of Arrow and Golden Stars.
      陈:Arrow 是世界有名的,也是我们的敌人,为么你要卖 Arrow shirt,他说Arrow shirt 可以卖啊,我说我的货不能够卖吗,他不敢说不能够卖,那么我说好了,现在大家很清楚,我有一个要求,我要求你在这两百多件衣服陈列之中陈列我一件衣服。

12. If the building plans are altered, resulting in a variation of 5% or more in the saleable area of the unit, the price will be increased or reduced accordingly and the purchaser will also be given an option to rescind the Agreement for Sale and Purchase.

13. Suggests poor provenance. Definitely a risk and generally not saleable, with exception given to rare bottlings and/or labels. Not recommended for consumption..

14. The products will be I-grade metallurgical coke which can be sold to the large steel mills in China or sold overseas. The coal gas may be used to produce marketable methyl products and the coal tar can be further processed into more saleable products.

15. Gross floor area of the unit means the apportioned amount of the gross floor area of the development calculated on a pro-rata basis according to the saleable area of the unit.

16. Is this your product saleable in the international market

17. I want to have another variety of polvoron since it is saleable.

18. saleable什么意思

18. I was told this small pump, is valuable and easily saleable on market.

19. Be careful, you do not want to buy merchandise that is old, worthless and not saleable anymore.

20. Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be saleable in your market.

saleable 词典解释

1. 容易卖出的;适销的;有销路的
    Something that is saleable is easy to sell to people.


    e.g. The Oxfam shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.

saleable 单语例句


1. The URA will employ professional property analysts to assess the unit price per square foot of saleable area of the new flats.

2. Traditionally the URA pays owners for each actual square foot of saleable area.

3. The company said its products were not saleable and it was unable to pay its debts.

4. She admits French movies may not be as saleable as those from Hollywood, but believes her promotion of them drives up their box office value.

saleable 英英释义


1. capable of being sold
    fit for sale

    e.g. saleable at a low price

    Synonym: salable

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