
sales pitch是什么意思 sales pitch在线翻译 sales pitch什么意思 sales pitch的意思 sales pitch的翻译 sales pitch的解释 sales pitch的发音

sales pitch

sales pitch 双语例句

1. That's why I think we need to create a professional sales strategy, as some people still need more guidance on how to improve their sales pitch.

2. It is, in fact, a very important element in our sales pitch.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. The phrase free gift should, of course, be considered redundant. But the increasing currency of its use is indicative mainly of the degree to which the word gift itself has been expropriated by advertisers to refer to merchandise offerings to which an obligation is attached—if not a direct price, then taking a test drive, sitting through a sales pitch, or enrolling in a book club.
    词组free gift 自然是应该被认为是多余的,但是这种用法的迅速使用主要表示了gift 这个词被广告商所侵用而用来指提供商品优惠是一种附加的义务——如果不是直接的价格,那么就参加一次竞赛活动,等待商品广告宣传或在一个读书俱乐部中报名登记。

4. That one part of government licenses alternative medicine while another bans its main sales pitch reflects a wider chaos.

5. And he kept up the sales pitch for another two, three weeks.

6. I have a good sales pitch.

7. sales pitch是什么意思

7. When I got posted in the Middle East, I was very confident that I would make a good sales pitch as Cola is virtually unknown there.

8. sales pitch

8. To make matters worse, it wasn't even a live sales pitch — it was a pre-recorded message advertising television service.

9. Is it a desperate sales pitch—Kevin Costner traveling on a shoeshine and a smile?

10. After all the briefing sessions at head office, our sales team is at concert pitch.

11. If we want to try door-to-door sales, we`ll need professional sales people to make an effective esales pitch.

12. The difference is, however, that green-rightfully so-is on the wane as the primary sales pitch for products.

13. sales pitch什么意思

13. It all depends on how effective your sales pitch is, no matter how indirect it is.

14. If we want to try door-to-door sales, well need professional sales people to make an effective sales pitch.

15. Les, we'll need professional sales people to make an effective sales pitch.

16. A sales rep cold-called me the other day and was reading a pitch for website search engine optimization.

17. Please explain everything in detail and do not abbreviate your sales pitch.

18. His sales pitch was smooth and convincing.

19. She swallowed his sales pitch line hook, line and sinker.

20. What strategies do you use to repeat the customer's key concepts back to him or her during a sales pitch?

sales pitch 单语例句

1. Obama visited chat show king Jay Leno late on Thursday in an unorthodox sales pitch for his sweeping recovery and budget plans.

2. Roe never identified himself as a San Diego police officer in his sales pitch and gave a fictitious address in northern California.

3. It is claimed that " sun protective " clothing reduces damage from ultraviolet rays in summer, and the sales pitch is obviously convincing.

4. Google has been peddling its " apps " package since 2007, but only recently realized it needed a more aggressive sales pitch.

5. Anyone who falls for their sales pitch will be crossing the point of no return.

6. And top people in China go out and pitch customers for sales in an aggressive style that Japanese executives find astonishing.

7. He tried every sales pitch to persuade them to accept the new concept.

8. When you do a sales pitch you need a great opening and a great closing, just like music.

9. Labeling the property as Kang's former residence can only be a sales pitch, the Jiefang Daily quoted Yang as saying.

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