
saline taste是什么意思 saline taste在线翻译 saline taste什么意思 saline taste的意思 saline taste的翻译 saline taste的解释 saline taste的发音

saline taste [ˈseɪˌli:n teist]  [ˈseˌlin test] 

saline taste 基本解释


saline taste 网络解释

1. 咸味:盐泉 saline spring | 咸味 saline taste | 盐碱土 saline-alkali soil

saline taste 双语例句

1. The tap water in Adelaide, which draws 40% of its municipal supplies from the river and up to 90% when other reserves dry up, was beginning to taste saline.

2. Many thick layers of snow melt and become pure snow water, not as the sea water and ice have saline taste after being melted.

3. Certainly my task should be to act Buddha`s disciple role at home well first, others see that you learn Buddha and live very happily, they will study Buddha with you naturally, it was unhappy if saw that you study Buddhism, then you say who else would like to study Buddha with you, so I must adjust one`s own heart, the local realm liking to be full of in the law, I do not want to return and rotate too tight result forced by oneself, the ones that do not hope to put by oneself either are too loose and slacks off, not hoping to demonstrate on purpose that very outstanding for face either, it is too rotten not to want to behave because of face either, that is to say how pass usually, with usually the same, unnecessary because of Wang lecturer cause, teacher of uncle Wang, demonstrate on purpose that progresses greatly or holds the martial law sincerely very much, that is to say that he comes here to live in meaning, I cross like this too, I am so too that he does not come here to live, not aroused in interest and right if want to repair, just depend on Buddha`s strength while relying on oneself insufficiently, if a drop of water droplets are entered in the sea, incorporating the saline taste of the sea, that is to say, read a corresponding a praying to Buddha to read and read to pray to Buddha correspondingly in meaning, rely on oneself insufficient to rely on Buddha strength, he is it transfer to evil reason become kind reason to exchange since so, it becomes the favourable circumstance that the adverse circumstance rotates, no longer make and vainly hope, all depends on Buddhism Bodhisattva strength of wishing, capable classics is it a bit, is it is it give up precise and tight a bit to hold to have the ability to watch more, capable many any charity, it is that gift Buddha prays to Buddha if ability is insufficient, don`t look down upon this Buddha`s symbol, this hides the always holding of 12 departments three times, can cross to all all living creature of six three circles to the limit, you see how very holy this Buddha`s symbol is, certainly can cooperate and say according to Buddha that immeasurable longevity of Mahayana is held and can get twice the result with half the effort through repairing, one Buddha symbol supreme dark delicate deep meditation very really, one Buddha symbol can is it is it five accumulate all empty to see to take, heart Buddha`s all living creature originally have no difference, must fix if take heart into consideration in this way, Buddhism symbol can be crossed by oneself and can also be crossed to people, can go back light to heavy, focal point if they haphazard I, I it prays to Buddha to be better, diligent in instant, want view think doing well all right most basic they I against pay again predestination, the adverse circumstance is more and more the realm of practising Buddhism or Taoism.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. The front of the teahouse, a stand and sell acid Kok (I do not know what a tree node, the shape a bit like acacia, very acid, importers people Cuanmei), Shui date (end of the tree is, should be regarded as fruit, Zhuangrujizhua, a lump of a lump in some areas, that is called chicken Jiaozhao, taste Henguai, such as brown sugar, a bit like licorice) and the bubble pears sugar pears in the saline water, the pear flavor is equipped with, Kunming people Quepian in fresh and salt water within the bubble.

saline taste 单语例句

1. Soaking in a saline solution neutralizes the bitter taste and prevents the vegetable from oxidizing and turning a dirty brown.

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