
salmonella是什么意思 salmonella在线翻译 salmonella什么意思 salmonella的意思 salmonella的翻译 salmonella的解释 salmonella的发音 salmonella的同义词

salmonella [ˌsælməˈnelə]  [ˌsælməˈnɛlə] 

第三人称复数:salmonellas; salmonellae

salmonella 基本解释


salmonella 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 沙门菌属:沙门菌属(Salmonella)是一大群生化反应和抗原结构相似的革兰阴性杆菌. 对人致病的主要有伤寒杆菌和甲、乙、丙型副伤寒杆菌,对人和动物菌能致病的主要有猪霍乱沙门菌、鼠伤寒沙门菌和肠炎沙门菌. 其他沙门菌一般仅对动物致病.

2. salmonella

2. 沙门氏菌:同时智利的一项研究也指出铜金属能够终止沙门 氏菌(Salmonella)及弯曲杆菌(Campylobacter)的 生长. 事实上,铜器的这种抗微生物特性早就被古埃及人运用在水的输送 管路上了. 而在数百年前法国的酿酒业,

3. 沙门氏菌属:沙门氏菌属(Salmonella)是一大群寄生于人类和动物肠道内生化反应和抗原构造相似的革兰氏阴性杆菌统称为沙门氏杆菌. 骨髓炎好发于椎骨,糖尿病患者的足部或由于外伤或手术引起的穿透性骨损伤部位.儿童最常见部位为血供良好的长骨,

4. 沙门氏杆菌:就是大家所熟知的A菌,被研究的非常广泛,在对抗病原菌方面发现对於会造成消化道方面疾病的幽门杆菌(Helicobacter pylori)、沙门氏杆菌(Salmonella)及志贺氏杆菌(Shigella Sonne i)相当有效.

salmonella 词典解释

1. 沙门(氏)菌;沙门菌病
    Salmonella is a disease caused by bacteria in food. You can also refer to the bacteria itself as salmonella .


    e.g. He was suffering from salmonella poisoning.

salmonella 单语例句

1. Experts had speculated that salmonella would be most likely to contaminate peanut butter as it cooled and was placed in jars.

2. According to the lab test, excessive coliform and salmonella were found in samples of food taken.

3. British confectionery giant Cadbury reportedly faces prosecution under British and European laws following a salmonella food scare last June.

4. Salmonella mostly found on spices, seeds and shrimps is the frequent reason for the denial of entry from India.

5. Peanuts grow underground and salmonella is present in the dirt, but generally any bacteria are killed when raw peanuts are roasted.

6. Bennett said bushmeat had a higher risk of bacteria like salmonella and might also be carrying new diseases.

7. The nationwide salmonella outbreak has sickened hundreds of people in 43 US states and killed at least six.

8. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning include diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever within eight to 72 hours.

9. In November there was a small outbreak of salmonella linked to pawpaw.

10. ConAgra recalled all its peanut butter in February after federal health officials linked it to cases of salmonella infection.

salmonella 英英释义


1. rod-shaped Gram-negative enterobacteria
    cause typhoid fever and food poisoning
    can be used as a bioweapon

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