
sandalwood是什么意思 sandalwood在线翻译 sandalwood什么意思 sandalwood的意思 sandalwood的翻译 sandalwood的解释 sandalwood的发音 sandalwood的同义词

sandalwood [ˈsændlwʊd]  [ˈsændl:ˌwʊd] 

sandalwood 基本解释


sandalwood 网络解释

1. 檀香木:能除去负面能量c 牡丹(Peony)︰强化心灵与人格,增加知性魅力c 琥珀(Dry Amber Notes)︰打开心灵,具表达自我的能力c 檀香木(Sandalwood)︰充满异国情调,能唤醒所有知觉c 麝香(Musky Notes)︰能强化感官接受,

2. sandalwood是什么意思

2. 檀香:如今,香水已成为了许多人生活当中不可缺少的一部分.而各大品牌也不断推陈出新,以满足人们对香水孜孜不倦的追求.玫瑰香油(Rose), 香根(Vetiver), 紫罗兰(Violet),树藓(Tree Moss), 广藿香(Patchouli), 檀香(Sandalwood),没药(Myrrh),

3. 檀香精油:檀香精油(Sandalwood)简述:松弛神经,改善性冷淡,安抚紧张及焦虑,适合老化、干燥及缺水皮肤. 催性,强化呼吸及泌尿系统,治疗蜂窝组织炎.

4. 檀:桉树(eucalyptus)醒脑、治疗呼吸系统疾病柑橘(mandarin)气味甜美,对吵闹的孩子具有效果没药(myrrh)治疗呼吸系统疾病,具有强力杀菌的效果松木(pine)治疗呼吸系统疾病,净化空气白檀(sandalwood)最神奇的香中的一种,使人精神清醒、缓解不安

sandalwood 词典解释

1. 檀香木;檀香树
    Sandalwood is the sweet-smelling wood of a tree that is found in South Asia and Australia. It is also the name of the tree itself.

2. 檀香(木)油
    Sandalwood is the oil extracted from the wood of the tree. It is used to make perfume.

sandalwood 单语例句

1. Chan's childhood home was furnished with red sandalwood, a material used in the emperor's palace in bygone times.

2. Some of his carpentry works are exhibited at the China Red Sandalwood Museum in Beijing, showcasing another part of his talents.

3. On its ceiling are 100 interweaving panels of sandalwood creating a pattern that resembles a giant chessboard.

4. After living in Hong Kong, she moved to Beijing and now lives in her Chinese Red Sandalwood Museum.

5. Each had a different theme and a distinct smell to match - one was sandalwood, another was chrysanthemum.

6. The tea comes in a cloisonne container with a jade lid and a sandalwood base.

7. Fu Wah International Group yesterday signed a contract with Marriott International Inc to entrust the world's top hospitality giant to operate Red Sandalwood Marriott Hotel.

8. In an old workshop a worker prepares materials for making sandalwood folding fans.

9. Villagers filtered the juice with gauze, then mixed it with the powder of sandalwood and other materials.

10. She tells Xinhua that red sandalwood is one of the most precious timbers on earth, grows very slowly and is often hollow when mature.

sandalwood 英英释义


1. close-grained fragrant yellowish heartwood of the true sandalwood
    has insect repelling properties and is used for carving and cabinetwork

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