
scallop是什么意思 scallop在线翻译 scallop什么意思 scallop的意思 scallop的翻译 scallop的解释 scallop的发音 scallop的同义词 scallop的反义词

scallop [ˈskɒləp]  [ˈskæləp] 


scallop 基本解释

名词扇贝; 扇贝壳; 扇(贝)形



scallop 网络解释

1. 扇贝:海邊停泊不少的漁船,不少扇貝(scallop)與九母鮻(lizzard fish). 很偏僻的小港灣. 那時我在VMEP工作,有芽莊水產大學畢業的員工帶路才能到這裡. 那時漁船只能下錨在海灘,沒有碼頭設備. 很美的地方.

2. 干贝:(O)400 干贝(Scallop)含有丰富的蛋白质、矿物质及维生素. (O)483 高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)白色塑胶砧板较易清洗,用於切割食物比木质砧板好. (O)488 猪肉烹调时其中心之温度要达摄氏65度以上才有杀死寄生之旋毛虫(Trichinella Spirallis)效果.

3. 带子:拼盘里的刺身品类丰富,也有个吃的先后秩序,一般先从白色鱼类下箸,比如鲷鱼(Sea Bream),然后是味道浓一点的金枪鱼(Tuna)、三文鱼(Salmon)等红色鱼类,带硬壳类的带子(Scallop)、章鱼(Octopus)等要留着最后吃.

4. 残留高度:在精加工时,吃刀量的选择与表面粗糙度有关, CAM 软件中通常提供有两种参数控制表面粗糙度:步距宽度( Stepover )和残留高度 (Scallop) . 采用步距宽度控制表面粗糙度时,步距宽度越小,表面粗糙度越小;采用残留高度控制表面粗糙度时,

scallop 词典解释

1. 扇贝(可食用的贝类动物)
    Scallops are large shellfish with two flat fan-shaped shells. Scallops can be eaten.

2. (衣服、桌布或手帕等的)扇形饰边,荷叶边
    Scallops are a series of small curves that form an ornamental border on things such as clothes, tablecloths, or handkerchiefs.

scallop 单语例句


1. Or how about the duck cubes served with scallop on clam shell.

2. She refused to comment on possible compensation for environmental damage and losses by local fishermen, who claimed that the spills caused massive scallop deaths.

3. These include braised fish maw and sea cucumber with dried scallop, steamed baby lobster with chopped garlic.

4. The yellow tail and scallop in the sashimi were from Dalian and Fujian, but also tasted super fresh.

5. In the meantime, insert your thumb between shell and scallop and carefully separate them.

6. Add any scallop juices accumulated on the plate and bring to a simmer.

7. One dish not to miss is the delightfully fried scallop cubes with sliced asparagus, celery and carrot.

8. Scallop sales are down this year due to significantly lower orders from the United States and Japan.

9. Dinner costs 298 yuan per person and gets you a big scallop, besides a set dinner with champagne.

10. Seafood lovers will be happy to find the fresh sushi and sashimi station, as well as salmon tartar and scallop station.

scallop 英英释义


1. edible marine bivalve having a fluted fan-shaped shell that swim by expelling water from the shell in a series of snapping motions

    Synonym: scollopescallop

2. thin slice of meat (especially veal) usually fried or broiled

    Synonym: cutletscollopescallop

3. edible muscle of mollusks having fan-shaped shells
    served broiled or poached or in salads or cream sauces

    Synonym: scollopescallop

4. one of a series of rounded projections (or the notches between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth or the margin of a shell or a shriveled red blood cell observed in a hypertonic solution etc.)

    Synonym: crenationcrenaturecrenelcrenelle


1. shape or cut in scallops

    e.g. scallop the hem of the dress

    Synonym: scollop

2. fish for scallops

    Synonym: scollop

3. form scallops in

    e.g. scallop the meat

    Synonym: scollop

4. bake in a sauce, milk, etc., often with breadcrumbs on top

    Synonym: escallop

5. decorate an edge with scallops

    e.g. the dress had a scalloped skirt

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