
scathing是什么意思 scathing在线翻译 scathing什么意思 scathing的意思 scathing的翻译 scathing的解释 scathing的发音 scathing的同义词

scathing [ˈskeɪðɪŋ]  [ˈskeðɪŋ] 


scathing 基本解释


形容词(言词、文章)严厉的,尖刻的; 不留情的


动词<诗>伤害,损害(尤指使之枯萎)( scathe的现在分词)

scathing 网络解释

1. 严厉的:scatheless 无损伤的 | scathing 严厉的 | scatology 粪便学

2. 严苛的:25. cult:宗教 | 26. spawn:卵,产物 | 27. scathing:严苛的

3. 损伤的:scatheless 无损伤的 | scathing 损伤的 | scathing 足致伤害的

4. 足致伤害的:scathing 损伤的 | scathing 足致伤害的 | scatol 粪臭素

scathing 词典解释

1. 严厉的;尖锐的;刻薄的
    If you say that someone is being scathing about something, you mean that they are being very critical of it.

    e.g. His report was scathing about Loyalist and Republican terror groups...
    e.g. He then launched a scathing attack on previous leaders.

'Oh, they want to be excused,' the other girl said scathingly.

scathing 单语例句

1. Wenger also made scathing comments about United striker van Nistelrooy who himself was banned for three games for an ugly tackle on Ashley Cole.

2. The matter came into the full glare of public scrutiny following a scathing report by the ombudsman in April.

3. In recent years, the United States has incessantly hurled scathing but groundless criticisms at China's political system.

4. It is a scathing study of media power, of human nature and of the masses being manipulated.

5. Those remarks followed scathing comments from US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and IMF fears of " large global spillovers ".

6. Palin received high marks among supporters for her convention address, which included a scathing attack ridiculing Obama's experience and record.

7. Spice Girl Victoria Beckham's reality TV show has been hit with scathing reviews in America.

8. Ponting said his belief in his team had never wavered amid scathing criticism from former players and local pundits.

9. Brooke Shields'mother has launched a scathing attack on her actress daughter for denying her access to her grandchildren.

10. Most of those killed were Americans, and their families have been scathing in their criticism of the Libyan's release.

scathing 英英释义


1. marked by harshly abusive criticism

    e.g. his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists
           her vituperative railing

    Synonym: vituperative

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