
scattering是什么意思 scattering在线翻译 scattering什么意思 scattering的意思 scattering的翻译 scattering的解释 scattering的发音 scattering的同义词

scattering ['skætərɪŋ]  [ˈskætərɪŋ] 


scattering 基本解释

名词[物]散射; 散乱,分散; 在媒介质中的散播

形容词散乱的; 分散在不同范围的; 广泛扩散的; (选票)数量分散的

动词散布; 散射(scatter的ing形式); 驱散

scattering 网络解释

1. 散射:散射 散射(scattering)是指由传播介质的不均匀性引起的光线向四周射去的现象. 如一束光通过稀释后的牛奶后为粉红色,而从侧面和上面看,是浅蓝色. 1.光线通过有尘土的空气或胶质溶液等媒质时,部分光线向多方面改变方向的现象.

2. scattering什么意思

2. 光散射:透过光线折射造成的)(一般鸟羽毛的颜色是由毛发中的色素(pigment)决定的,直接反射(reflecting)相应的色素颜色.而蓝鸟的颜色是由羽毛的一种特殊微观结构对阳光散射(scattering)形成的,机理模拟肥

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 分散:抗体的一个非常重要的作用是区分开了分散(scattering)创新和专注(focusing)创新. 分散创新不关心经济上的可行性或与顾客需要的关系. 如果像上面说的七个或更多的,那样只会建立零零散散的业务,使它们相互之间的联系以及与公司资产内涵的联系不再紧密.

4. 分布:在画笔面板中左侧选择散点分布(scattering)选项,产生水草效果. 调整scattering的数值,使画笔产生出离散点状效果. 然后,调整count选项控制的离散点产生数量. 利用intuos2的压感功能可以很随意的画出疏密不一的水草效果.

scattering 词典解释

1. 零星;零落;分散的少数
    A scattering of things or people is a small number of them spread over an area.


    e.g. ...the scattering of houses east of the village...
    e.g. Mr. James had had a scattering of very wealthy friends.

scattering 单语例句

1. Tan Na twirls the silks in the classic Peking opera Celestial Beauty Scattering Flowers.

2. He also denied the online mourning service will promote scattering " cremains " at sea.

3. The valuable fungus can only be found between the months of November and February, at a scattering of spots in France and Italy.

4. French armored vehicles moved into some residential neighborhoods, scattering rioters with volleys of tear gas and percussion grenades.

5. Most of Maine's caucuses were held Saturday but a scattering of towns will hold theirs Sunday and later in the month.

6. There are so many mines scattering over a large area that it is difficult and costly to monitor their operation.

7. The Asahi newspaper quoted a priest at a nearby temple who saw the monkey scattering flowers left on graves.

8. Young girls sing folk songs while paddling boats and houses scattering on the river banks can be viewed.

9. Lee suggested establishing a specific ordinance to protect consumers'rights to plug the loopholes that have arisen from the scattering of provisions at present.

10. " It's like scattering a tiny spoon of pepper powder in a huge pot, " Han said.

scattering 英英释义


1. the act of scattering

    Synonym: scatterstrewing

2. spreading widely or driving off

    Synonym: dispersion

3. a light shower that falls in some locations and not others nearby

    Synonym: sprinklesprinkling

4. the physical process in which particles are deflected haphazardly as a result of collisions

5. a small number (of something) dispersed haphazardly

    e.g. the first scatterings of green
           a sprinkling of grey at his temples

    Synonym: sprinkling

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