
school district是什么意思 school district在线翻译 school district什么意思 school district的意思 school district的翻译 school district的解释

school district [sku:l ˈdistrikt]  [skul ˈdɪstrɪkt] 

school district 基本解释


school district 网络解释

1. 学区:而相反的是:学区(school district)建议一个更多限制的安置,即将学生安置于资源教室或特殊班以确保他们学术的发展. 一般来说,早期的讼案,法庭支持父母的观点. 在加利福尼亚,一个11岁有重度智力落后的学生进入了她所在地的公立学校区域的特殊教育班级就读.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 但现在 我们可以搬到Hercules|而他也有机会在那比赛:But the idea of junior college|had... | Now, l could move to the Hercules|school district, and he could play there.|但现在 我们可以搬到Hercules|而他也有机会在那比赛 | - But moving is not gonna solve--|...

3. 學校區:藍藻類 Schizophyceans | 學校區 School district | 剪式橫渡線 Scissors crossing

4. 學區教育學校:60129學院(單科大學)教育學校college | 60130學區教育學校school district | 60131學問無捷徑?成語中國成語There is no royal road/shortcut to

school district 单语例句

1. School district spokesman Norm Uhl said that the kindergartner could face disciplinary action including being sent to an alternative school for up to 180 days.

2. With the support of the government of Chengyang district, the school upgraded its main field and installed two " cage " soccer pitches this year.

3. His school in Guangzhou's Tianhe district has taken the lead in the provincial capital in allowing parents to decide the amount of homework.

4. The district health department has sterilized the school and separated the chickenpox virus carriers from other students.

5. The unofficial schools will get help from district governments to improve their basic conditions, including dismantling unsafe school buildings and adding bigger classrooms.

6. The drama " Cinderella " won the first place in an English drama contest in Xicheng District, where the school is located.

7. More than 200 students arrived at Longfeng School in Shenzhen's Longgang District on Monday morning only to find the gate closed.

8. The Beijiao Central Primary School in Pengjiang district of Jiangmen confirmed 11 cases of the virus on Tuesday and was closed for seven days.

9. Visitors'admiring eyes were also drawn towards the works done by primary school students from the Luo Hu district in Shenzhen.

10. There are also some plans by the Singapore side to work with the leading Haidian School in Beijing's Haidian District.

school district 英英释义

school district的反义词


1. a district whose public schools are administered together

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