
scrawl是什么意思 scrawl在线翻译 scrawl什么意思 scrawl的意思 scrawl的翻译 scrawl的解释 scrawl的发音 scrawl的同义词 scrawl的反义词 scrawl的例句

scrawl [skrɔ:l]  [skrɔl] 


scrawl 基本解释



名词潦草的笔迹; 潦草写成的东西

scrawl 相关例句


1. scrawl在线翻译

1. His signature was an illegible scrawl.

scrawl 网络解释

1. 乱涂:semin 种子的 | scrawl乱涂v | crawl爬

2. scrawl在线翻译

2. 塗鴉:scowl 怒容,皺眉頭 | scrawl 塗鴉 | scree 碎石坡,(斷崖或山腳下的下的)碎石堆

3. 潦草地写:scrawl 潦草的笔迹 | scrawl 潦草地写 | screak 嘎嘎作响

4. 潦草的笔迹:scrawl 潦草的笔迹 | scrawl 潦草地写 | screak 嘎嘎作响

scrawl 双语例句

1. Antarctica—Not far from its Franklin Island colony, a lone Adélie punctuates the looping scrawl of penguin tracks across plates of Ross Sea pack ice.

2. scrawl的翻译

2. The desire to express made me forget how to draw with the pen in my hand. I just scrawl as I please, ignoring the use of ink.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. My cursive letters flowed in a fair, clean hand from my pen, far better than the crooked scrawl I had been using even a year before.

4. Don't scrawl on the wall.

5. Her handwriting is elegant, but Jim's writing is a scrawl.

6. I sighed in astonishment---the utter desolation depicted in that rude scrawl was overpower ing.

7. I sighed in astonishment---the utter desolation depict ed in that rude scrawl was overpowering.

8. I sighed in astonishment---the utter desolation depicted in that rude scrawl was overpowering.

9. He had used his finger to scrawl his final words in the palm of her hand.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. I didn't want to spoil the page with my clumsy scrawl.

11. scrawl的翻译

11. I can't be expected to read this scrawl!

12. We've got his scrawl there.

13. You just put your scrawl there. Fuck off!

14. Put your scrawl on the bottom. See?

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

15. On the inside of the cover, she saw the name Joshua Viney written in an untidy left-handed scrawl; Sometimes, they both surprise me, she mused with a smile as she set the book on the coffee table.
      在掩护的内部上,她看见被写的名字约书亚 Viney 在一不整齐的惯用左手的潦草地写;有时,他们俩都使我吃惊,当她设定在咖啡桌子上的书时候,她以一个微笑沉思。

16. The oppressive, breathing heat and his own sickened spirit urged him to climb up, but the packed earth of the ramp showed a deep, crisscrossing scrawl of cartwheel tracks.

17. The Cypriot central bank, alarmed at the number of defaced banknotes in circulation, appealed to doodlers Wednesday to resist the temptation to scrawl on the country's currency.

18. The letter was handwritten, in a hasty, barely decipherable scrawl.

19. scrawl的近义词

19. By statute or decision in most States in which the seal retains significance a seal may take the form of a written or printed seal, word, scrawl or other sign.

20. Don't scribble [scrawl] on the wall.

scrawl 词典解释

1. 潦草地写;马马虎虎地写
    If you scrawl something, you write it in a careless and untidy way.

    e.g. He scrawled a hasty note to his wife...
    e.g. Someone had scrawled 'Scum' on his car.

2. 潦草的笔迹;不工整的字迹
    You can refer to writing that looks careless and untidy as a scrawl .

    e.g. The letter was handwritten, in a hasty, barely decipherable scrawl.

scrawl 单语例句

1. Being asked to scrawl my John Hancock across notebooks and textbooks - that was a new one for me.

2. Their writing on the blackboard is a barely readable scrawl and they write kanji characters making strokes in the wrong order.

3. Apart from rulers and other items covered in minute scrawl, even modern technology such as cellphones has been used to buck the system.

scrawl 英英释义


1. poor handwriting

    Synonym: scribblescratchcacography



1. write carelessly

    Synonym: scribble

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