
scriptwriters是什么意思 scriptwriters在线翻译 scriptwriters什么意思 scriptwriters的意思 scriptwriters的翻译 scriptwriters的解释 scriptwriters的发音



scriptwriters 基本解释

电影剧本作者( scriptwriter的名词复数 );

scriptwriters 双语例句

1. The possibility that scriptwriters` strike cancel the ceremony has planned to so last hour that People coat it you have elected like the most powerful of the Oscar 2008 to Patric Verrone and to Michael Winship, Escritores`s Labor Union`s presidents at the Coast Oeste and in her East, respectively.
    可能编剧罢工取消颁奖典礼,已计划在过去20小时内,人们大衣,它由你投票选出最喜欢的强大的奥斯卡2008至patric verrone和迈克尔温希普,作家的劳动联盟的行长海岸oeste ,并在她的东,分别。

2. scriptwriters的翻译

2. Family businesses and their inter-generational conflicts are rich fodder for Hong Kong scriptwriters.

3. This not only keeps viewers'interest in the TV dramas alive, but also helps scriptwriters and directors make changes to the storylines to suit the audience's demand.

4. scriptwriters的翻译

4. Maybe soon the scriptwriters will have to write her out of the series.

5. She's one of the scriptwriters on a popular TV detective series.

6. Cinema is the core of the film and TV industry, and for a film to be a success, it needs not only a good script, talented scriptwriters, a skilled director, and star power, but also financial backing.

7. scriptwriters

7. It's them, our scriptwriters.

8. Many popular productions have their own websites, where scriptwriters post part of the finished scripts, inviting viewers to leave messages, discuss the plot and come up with suggestions for future episodes.

9. scriptwriters的意思

9. Perry ∝ s wit is so legendary that the scriptwriters have often incorporated his gags into the show.

10. Criminal masterminds and Hollywood scriptwriters have been put on notice.

11. scriptwriters

11. Since scriptwriters and theorists can be considered as designers of the film art, Screenwriting Department of Beizing Film Academy now proudly clams itself to be the cradle of Chinese films.

12. The association has a total of130 members, including producers, distributors and exhibitors, and individuals such as directors, scriptwriters, film critics and production executives.

13. Lack of splendid animation scriptwriters is the main reason.

scriptwriters 单语例句

1. By the way, the scriptwriters in this category are especially adept at dismembering historical legends.

2. The third reason why there is a dearth of good scriptwriters is personnel training.

3. As such you'd be forgiven for thinking scriptwriters are held in high esteem.

4. So she and her two scriptwriters talked to 13 senior managers of Fortune 500 companies, and even credited them as honorary writers.

5. The language is not something The New York Times would accept, but something Hollywood scriptwriters would die for.

6. Mai said the drama present an authentic Hong Kong story, with one of the two scriptwriters also from the region.

7. I just want to put pressure on some Chinese directors and scriptwriters.

8. " It's difficult for production companies to find satisfactory scriptwriters, " he says.

9. Scriptwriters in China are poorly paid compared with their counterparts in developed countries.

10. Most of the scriptwriters in China are graduates from film universities and may be skillful in writing.

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