
seashells是什么意思 seashells在线翻译 seashells什么意思 seashells的意思 seashells的翻译 seashells的解释 seashells的发音 seashells的同义词

seashells ['si:ʃelz]  ['si:ʃelz] 


seashells 基本解释

贝壳,海洋贝类(seashell的复数形式);海中软体动物的壳,贝壳( seashell的名词复数 );


seashells 双语例句

1. Organic Opal - An opal formed from the chemical petrifying of organic materials such as wood or seashells.

2. The splash of pieces of seashells lay scattered on the beach and small holes covered the sand where the crabs had dug in.

3. The Atlantic Ocean allows you to take up surfing, collect seashells, walk on the beach, and get water up your nose while attempting to boogie board.

4. Hepu have 307 kilometers coastline, it is rare seashells, Seafood, breeding algae, is also cultured pearls, fish, Mud crab ideal environment for the South China Sea, one of the best fishing grounds.

5. seashells

5. Hepu have 307 kilometers coastline, is the breeding for the rare seashells, Seafood, algae, is also the ideal environment for culturing the pearls, fish, Mud crab, is one of the best fishing grounds in the South China Sea, there are treasure specialty like Sardines fishes, nudus and so on.

6. A word or group of words difficult to articulate rapidly, usually because of a succession of similar consonantal sounds, as in Shall she sell seashells?

7. I am the Secretary for the production of acrylic filling household goods are in the acrylic container laminated seashells in fruits such as dried flowers placed in kind, and then modify it by adding water to suspension.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. Six sets of special stamps were also issued during the year featuring the Year of the Ox, Hong Kong Migratory Birds, Hong Kong Modern Landmarks, Commemoration of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, 1997 World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings and Hong Kong Seashells.

9. Teapot Which four letters are the thieves afraid of most? OICU Oh, I see you. Initials CCB ABC BC ICBC CRI VOA BBC CBD UNESCO Tell them the full forms and the some basic knowledge about them. Tongue twister She sells shells on the seashore and I`m sure that the shells she sells are seashells.

10. Small seashells were often used as a primitive kind of money.

11. On the beach, our favorite resort, like the footless seashells, innocently stubborn or stubbornly innocent.

12. seashells的解释

12. The marine unit comprises dark-grey massive silty clay with some seashells and circular peat nodules.

13. We found many seashells on the beach when the tide was on the ebb.

14. The conditions for preparation of the calcium malate from seashells were studied from the angle of environmental protection in this pa- per.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. They find themselves surrounded by colourful rocks, fishes, seashells and plants

16. I'd like to pick seashells this afternoon.

17. I Like blue sky, the sea, land, soft sand and small seashells and turtles.

18. seashells

18. Dongji possesses beautiful sea, in which there are Shiban fish, Hutou fish and weever so on appearing everywhere, as well as many famous and ferine seashells of Zhoushan can be extremely easy to obtain.

19. She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells.

20. Bone gets its rigidity from calcium and phosphorus, materials found in seashells and teeth.

seashells 单语例句


1. Rescuers crunch through cord grass and seashells before hitting a grabby muck that releases footsteps with a sucking pop.

2. She said the ice will reduce the oxygen in the water, which may cause sea cucumber and seashells to stink.

3. Studies show these unearthed seashells were transported from the shore of the Pacific Ocean to Yunnan via the Honghe and the Mekong rivers.

4. The seashells stuck to the bowls are reminders of the shipwreck more than two centuries ago.

5. The strand here is studded with a wider array of colorful seashells than anywhere else on the island.

6. The belts made of seashells and seeds of wild banana were the most impressive adornments we found in the Aini villages.

7. To show her gratitude, she showed us the seashells she had kept for many years.

8. We knew that seashells would be the most welcome gifts for the Aini people, who have lived in the mountains for generations and never seen the ocean.

9. The pack of seashells we brought quickly helped us get involved with local life.

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