
second是什么意思 second在线翻译 second什么意思 second的意思 second的翻译 second的解释 second的发音 second的同义词 second的反义词 second的例句

second [ˈsekənd]  [ˈsekənd] 


second 基本解释

名词秒; 瞬间; 次货; 第二份食物

形容词第二的; 次要的; 居第二位的; 另外的

副词第二; 其次; 以第二位

及物动词支持; 临时调派; 附议; 赞成提案

second 相关词组

1. second to none : 最好的;

second 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. It is not likely that you will be given a second opportunity.

2. You will need a second pair of shoes.


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Deeds must second words.


1. She'll be back in a second.

second 情景对话


B:How do you handle your failure?

A:None of us was born "perfect". I am sure I will be given a second chance to correct my mistake.


A:Excuse me, can you tell me where Main Street is?

B:Turn left at the second light and then go straight for two blocks.

A:Is it far?

B:No. It's only a five-minute walk. You can’t miss it.


A:Thanks a lot.


B:You're welcome.



A:We want to take a train to New York.

B:Regular or express train?


A:How much time would we save if we took the express?

B:About one hour. The next express train arrives in New York at 3:15.

A:And how much more do we have to pay for the express?

B:First class is 24 dollars more, and second class is 15 dollars more.


A:What do you think?

C:As long as we can arrive one hour earlier, I don't mind paying a little extra.

B:OK.Then give me two second-class tickets on the express, please.

second 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 秒钟:第二种在CD上进行定位的方法是使用分/秒/帧(MSF)地址,MSF地址中的每个分量都代表某种具体的偏移量,其中M代表的是CD从开始播放到定位点所经历的分钟(minute)数,S代表是从M所确定的地址到定位点所经历的秒钟(second)数,而F代表的则是

2. 二:序数词一般是在基数词词尾加-th变成的,但第一(first ),第二(second),第三(third)例外. 有口诀可以帮助记忆:序数词词尾是th,一、二、三要牢记;八少t, 九减e, ve结尾变f, five和twelve是两兄弟.

3. [第二层]:(First Level),先选中第一层,再选第二层(Second)及第三层(Third),全部选完后,另外,还有免费的LisBot,您可创建自己的邮件列表. 快速计数器(Fast Counter)也是

4. second:s; 秒

5. second:sec.; 秒

second 词典解释


1. 秒(a second 或 seconds 往往用以表示很短的时间)
    A second is one of the sixty parts that a minute is divided into. People often say 'a second' or 'seconds' when they simply mean a very short time.

    e.g. For a few seconds nobody said anything...
    e.g. It only takes forty seconds...


1. 第二的;第二个的
    The second item in a series is the one that you count as number two.


    e.g. ...the second day of his visit to Delhi.
    e.g. ...their second child...

2. (用于形容词最高级前)第二…的
    Second is used before superlative adjectives to indicate that there is only one thing better or larger than the thing you are referring to.

    e.g. The party is still the second strongest in Italy.
    e.g. ...the second-largest city in the United States.

3. 第二;其次
    You say second when you want to make a second point or give a second reason for something.

    e.g. The soil is depleted first by having crops grown in it and second by natural weathering and bacterial action.

4. 二级甲等/乙等优秀学位
    In Britain, an upper second is a good honours degree and a lower second is an average honours degree.

    e.g. I then went up to Lancaster University and got an upper second.

5. 添菜
    If you have seconds, you have a second helping of food.


    e.g. There's seconds if you want them.

6. 二级品;二等货;次货;等外品
    Seconds are goods that are sold cheaply in shops because they have slight faults.

    e.g. It's a new shop selling discounted lines and seconds.

7. (拳击或国际象棋锦标赛的)副手,助手
    The seconds of someone who is taking part in a boxing match or chess tournament are the people who assist and encourage them.

    e.g. He shouted to his seconds, 'I did it! I did it!'

8. 附议,赞同(提案)
    If you second a proposal in a meeting or debate, you formally express your agreement with it so that it can then be discussed or voted on.


    e.g. ...Bryan Sutton, who seconded the motion against fox hunting...
    e.g. Your application must be proposed and seconded by current members.

Candidates need a proposer and seconder whose names are kept secret.

9. 赞成;持相同观点
    If you second what someone has said, you say that you agree with them or say the same thing yourself.

    e.g. The Prime Minister seconded the call for discipline in a speech last week.

10. 听说地;非亲身经历地
      If you experience something at second hand, you are told about it by other people rather than experiencing it yourself.

      e.g. Most of them had only heard of the massacre at second hand.

11. 不比任何事物差;首屈一指
      If you say that something is second to none, you are emphasizing that it is very good indeed or the best that there is.

      e.g. Our scientific research is second to none.

12. 只比…差;仅次于
      If you say that something is second only to something else, you mean that only that thing is better or greater than it.

      e.g. As a major health risk hepatitis is second only to tobacco.

13. second nature -> see nature
      in the second place -> see place


1. 临时调任;临时调派
    If you are seconded somewhere, you are sent there temporarily by your employer in order to do special duties.


    e.g. In 1937 he was seconded to the Royal Canadian Air Force in Ottawa as air armament adviser...
           1937 年他被临时调往渥太华的加拿大皇家空军担任军备顾问。
    e.g. Several hundred soldiers have been seconded to help farmers.

second 单语例句

1. Guiding their actions is the philosophy that integrity in business plays second fiddle to results, and the end justifies the means.

2. The shadow of July 23 lies too heavy across the tracks not to invoke second thoughts.

3. They are among 50 figures from business, government and the law in the second edition of the MIP 50.

4. In contrast to the weak consumer reading, business investment improved significantly in the second quarter.

5. Analysts said Agilent has long wanted to expand its bioanalytical measurement business, which accounted for about 46 percent of revenue in the second quarter.

6. The Pharmaceutical industry has become Founder's second largest business sector after its IT business.

7. Its capacity and the total volume of business ranked the second in China.

8. World Bank figures show that China has by traffic volume the world's second business freight railway and the busiest passenger railway.

9. For a second - before they speak - I imagine that nudge is coming from a wealthy businessman with money spilling out of his pockets.

10. During the busy summer movie season, top hits often drop 50 percent or more in the second weekend.

second 英英释义


1. the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the second of the bases in the infield

    Synonym: second base

2. merchandise that has imperfections
    usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name

    Synonym: irregular

3. the gear that has the second lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle

    e.g. he had to shift down into second to make the hill

    Synonym: second gear

4. a speech seconding a motion

    e.g. do I hear a second?

    Synonym: secondmentendorsementindorsement

5. the official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boxing match

6. a 60th part of a minute of arc

    e.g. the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here

    Synonym: arcsecond

7. following the first in an ordering or series

    e.g. he came in a close second

8. 1/60 of a minute
    the basic unit of time adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites

    Synonym: secs

9. a particular point in time

    e.g. the moment he arrived the party began

    Synonym: momentminuteinstant

10. an indefinitely short time

    e.g. wait just a moment
           in a mo
           it only takes a minute
           in just a bit

    Synonym: momentmominutebit


1. transfer an employee to a different, temporary assignment

    e.g. The officer was seconded for duty overseas

2. give support or one's approval to

    e.g. I'll second that motion
           I can't back this plan
           endorse a new project

    Synonym: backendorseindorse



1. a part or voice or instrument or orchestra section lower in pitch than or subordinate to the first

    e.g. second flute
           the second violins

2. coming next after the first in position in space or time or degree or magnitude

    Synonym: 2nd2d



1. in the second place

    e.g. second, we must consider the economy

    Synonym: secondly

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